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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,912

Quote: fopdoodle @ 26th April 2017, 9:55 AM

Chances are North Korea will do nothing and posturing from US may actually work as deterrent given real risk to own people, but he needs to understand he has to give such potential actions considerable thought first as his predecessors have done, upon realising that it's fundamentally about proving which country has most powerful arsenal rather than having any intention to actually use them.

Absolutely untrue. As I've said, North Korea poses no danger to Americans at present, but the entire nation will be at risk when they manage to put nuclear warheads atop their new ICBMs.

So what exactly has Trump done so far?

1) He's countered Kim's unhinged rants with some firm words, just like President Obama and all those who came before him.

2) He's sent an aircraft carrier to the region, even though it was mainly in support of already scheduled exercises. President Obama did the same thing back in 2010:

The North Koreans are not afraid to use their weapons. In the last few years they've shelled the South, sunk a warship, kidnapped Koreans and Japanese from the shores of their own nations, and taken shots across the DMZ. There's only one madman in this scenario and it's Kim Jong-un.

I meant that chances are North Korea will do nothing in retaliation to US in meantime.

But to argue that any conjecture is untrue at present is out of 'Trump's book of alternative facts', as opinions are kinda different from the actual truth.

. . . and anyone who still believes Trump is not a madman, even in the slightest must either be brainwashed themselves or being paid by his bootlicking administration.

Quote: fopdoodle @ 26th April 2017, 12:26 PM

. . . and anyone who still believes Trump is not a madman, even in the slightest must either be brainwashed themselves or being paid by his bootlicking administration.

That's some Grade A propaganda right there. It sounds like something our man Kim might say.

I don't think Trump's mad.
He's out of his depth, for sure, and should spend more time listening to people who know what they're talking about.
And he's a thoroughly unpleasant man, to boot, who I personally would be ashamed to call the leader of my country. Not necessarily for his politics (which I abhor) but for the example he holds up of what power looks like.
Plus he can't talk and is an oaf.
Not mad though.

Quote: DaButt @ 26th April 2017, 3:46 PM

That's some Grade A propaganda right there. It sounds like something our man Kim might say.

Current UK headlines state "Korea prepares for War." One commentator states "At the brink of war with North Korea, Iran and Russia and it has not even been 100 days for Trump".

The danger is that Kim Jong Un and Trump both want to dictate using fear and aggression. This may work well in Trumps Construction businesses, but Democratic diplomacy is about compromise and collaboration. Trump is black and white, it's very, very good news about him, the best news in the world or its totally false news from very, very bad CNN and BBC people. There is no middle ground. So this makes him and Kim war monguers. Because if he doesn't get his way, he'll drop the mother of all whatever. Of course Trump is a danger to the world,.

If he does kick things off in China's back yard, the world may well line up behind China who after all, are not interventionalists like Trump, not aggressive like Trump and are not upsetting their Allies. China will run circles around him when it comes to diplomacy. Historically isolation has been bad for the Economy of a country, and North Korea vs South is a great example. So why is Trump isolating America ? Why is he trying to bully the fat Korean kid ? Because he is like Kim Jong Un and only knows one way. Total absolute control, and all eyes on him. One well placed bullet would save so much woe.

On a lighter note I read that Tubby has convinced his home crowed that he invented the hamburger. So isn't the smart American way to get a foot in the door for McDonalds, and kill them all slowly over time ?

Quote: Firkin @ 26th April 2017, 7:00 PM

China who after all, are not interventionalists like Trump, not aggressive like Trump

Not aggressive? I think they might disagree with you in Tibet.

Globally, their building of artificial islands are seen as acts of aggression:

And islands again:

Top Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has a few things to say about institutionalised aggression:

Quote: fopdoodle @ 21st April 2017, 2:29 AM

Known terrorist in latest attack on France let out of prison sentence early following an appeal ruling? WTF?

Previously jailed for 20 years for an attack on police, what the holy hell were they thinking letting him out?

Human Rights. That's the EU for you!

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st April 2017, 7:32 AM

I backed Definitely Red in the Grand National.
I didn't know One for Arthur was fitter.
Nobody said until after the race...........

I'm going to demand a rerun.


Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st April 2017, 7:32 AM

I backed Definitely Red in the Grand National.
I didn't know One for Arthur was fitter.
Nobody said until after the race...........

I'm going to demand a rerun.


Another epic fail and subsequent Twitter rant. It honestly makes me nervous every time I read something that may rile this man as he just lashes out. He may not be 'mad' in a classic sense, but he is unstable with a personality disorder which makes him unfit at the very least, and others put concerns more comprehensively:

Quote: fopdoodle @ 27th April 2017, 12:20 AM

Another epic fail and subsequent Twitter rant. It honestly makes me nervous every time I read something that may rile this man as he just lashes out. He may not be 'mad' in a classic sense, but he is unstable with a personality disorder which makes him unfit at the very least, and others put concerns more comprehensively:

Sickening, but predictable.

It is - and I just want to make this point as way of looking at it from different angle . . . If I rambled on like a moron on this forum, not remembering what I'd previously said or believed in, stumbling from one chaotic factual error to another, I'd be roasted alive and challenged relentlessly on here (or even sacked if it were a job), yet not only has Trump been afforded the opportunity to bumble from one verbal train wreck into another - it's all on record, with the internet being the modern equivalent to indelible ink . . . it simply cannot be erased, which must be so frustrating to him given his insatiable hunger for ultimate power, but also exposes his obvious shortcomings.

But he continues to somehow maintain support from his die-hards despite this, and despite the obvious dangers whenever he gets upset, and the whole debacle has not just made the USA a laughing stock, but has also made the rest of the world extremely wary of it as a consequence.

And this rally on Saturday which he must be doing just to make more false boasts about how well he's doing to deflect from how well he's not doing, along with more empty words and promises is a given, because to date, that's all he has. And I wonder what he'll say about his wall as it's all come tumbling down around him before it's even started (he even lied about it being 'underway as we speak' a few weeks after inauguration), with his claim that Mexico would pay being as likely/ludicrous as accusing the local thug in the pub of spilling his pint . . . he didn't, but he still squares up to him demanding he buys him another - even the village idiot sat in the corner must know it is never going to happen.

Quote: Firkin @ 26th April 2017, 7:00 PM

If he does kick things off in China's back yard, the world may well line up behind China who after all, are not interventionalists like Trump, not aggressive like Trump and are not upsetting their Allies.

Not aggressive? That might be the funniest thing posted on this comedy forum in recent memory.

From this week's New York Times (not exactly a right-wing publication) comes this headline: "China, Sending a Signal, Launches a Home-Built Aircraft Carrier." The story opens with this paragraph:

BEIJING -- China's first domestically built aircraft carrier slipped into the sea for the first time on Wednesday, after days of publicity celebrating the impending launch as a milestone in President Xi Jinping's drive to extend China's military reach far beyond its shores.

It follows with this paragraph: The carrier launch comes as tensions rise over China's activities in the South China Sea and North Korean's nuclear ambitions. China is entangled in maritime disputes with several Asian countries, including Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam. India is also wary of China's growing presence in the Indian Ocean, and Australia is responding to China's naval buildup with its own.

Aircraft carriers are not defensive weapons. They are offensive weapons designed to project massive firepower far from a nation's shores. The situation in the region is growing very tense and it's all because of China's increasingly aggressive military posture.

Quote: DaButt @ 27th April 2017, 12:27 PM

Aircraft carriers are not defensive weapons. They are offensive weapons .......The situation in the region is growing very tense and it's all because of China's increasingly aggressive military posture.

You make a fair point, pretty much any country could be accused of aggression. But my statement verbatim was "aggressive like Trump." The Korean crisis is as a direct response to Trump's interventionism, DaButt you yourself pointed out the provocation sent over to America (not China) from Korea. China is North Korea's biggest trading partner, they were hardly on the brink of war, far from it. And China and Russia have it all to lose, if Korea kick off, not America. Trump is trying to set countries against each other, hence his (and Kim's) well earned war mongers tag. Trump even offered Germany a better deal, if they stepped out of the EU (his biggest rival market).

As for China building their first aircraft carrier 90 years after the UK, I fail to see how that paints China as the more aggressive. Especially when America is the biggest exporter of arms by some way, followed by the UK. So maybe Trump's Amador is a trade mission ? But hey, Trump and Kim aren't for taking direction or advice, so it's all academic now. What happened to Trump's University ?

He keeps using the wrong US flag at the moment - what's that about DaButt?
Is the 39 star flag some sort of code - or a just good old fashioned cock-up?*
Or have I been "faknews-ed"

*We can talk. We regularly hang ours upside-down and inside-out.

Let's not forget about Iceland's unchecked aggression. Iceland is one of North Korea's key advisors on deep-sea fishing and geothermal energy, but you'd have to be insane to think that's all there is to it. It came as no surprise when the Trump-Putin talks scheduled for Iceland were scuttled. Another factor in the North Korean nuclear crisis is Tuvalu, which has been trying to set Trump against Kim Jong-Un in an underhanded effort to divert international attention from its philately scandal.

Trump and North Korea have everything to lose, while Iceland and Tuvalu are just inciting the pawns to a war that no one in Asia wants, except the Japanese. It's no coincidence that Japan is located east of North Korea. Even the village dog can see that, but he's not listening.

Quote: Lazzard @ 27th April 2017, 7:11 PM

He keeps using the wrong US flag at the moment - what's that about DaButt?
Is the 39 star flag some sort of code - or a just good old fashioned cock-up?*

I had to Google it to figure out what you were talking about. It appears to he used it in a tweet
And the whole thing looked fairly professionally done. I doubt that the president spends much time with Photoshop, so it's probably safe to assume that some graphic designer grabbed a piece of clip art from the web and used it without counting all of the tiny stars. I don't think we've ever had a 39-star flag, so there's no hidden meaning.

It just goes to show how every little thing he says or does is dissected and attacked and ridiculed. Not fake news, but actually no news at all.

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