Thursday 30th March 2017 9:24pm [Edited]
1,782 posts
Quote: A Horseradish @ 29th March 2017, 9:55 PM
Dear Nick Clegg,
How exactly will European people who have been in Britain since before 1973 be adversely affected?
Clarification would be helpful to help put the minds of anyone in a similar position at ease.
Dear Horseradish
Nick Clegg here. It's wonderful to know we have a swing voter out there. In fact my wife keeps trying to get me to go over to the swingers party.
You ask how the Europeans living in Britain will be affected. Well, learning about sarcasms and self deprivation is a steep learning curve for a none Brit. Since Brexit, the rates of sarcasm have gone through the roof. Every time someone says United Kingdom, my wife is in hysterics. When Boris became Foreign Secretary I laughed until I wet myself.
Mind you, we'll need a sense of humour when everyone finds out that Britain can't wag the dog (by that I mean Merkel). So get out there and export or something, otherwise you are a traitor. Remember you can't argue with no takie backies.
Lots of love and hugs (please write again)
Cleggy Clogs.