British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 187

Quote: zooo @ July 30 2010, 9:31 AM BST

And apparently they've already been covered in protest stickers. Couldn't they have let them be nice and clean and pretty for one flipping day? :(

Not in London. The armpit of Britain.

Protestors are the very satanic anal ring of society.

Quote: zooo @ July 30 2010, 9:31 AM BST

And apparently they've already been covered in protest stickers. Couldn't they have let them be nice and clean and pretty for one flipping day? :(

Protest for what? Them being a cleaner way of living and promoting healthy lifestyle? Seriously, some protesters need to get a life.

Ha, I'm actually not sure, I heard it on the radio this morning while I was still half asleep. The war possibly?

Nothing related to bikes whatsoever. Idiots.

Aren't they meant to be really heavy and crap to ride?

Quote: sootyj @ July 30 2010, 10:19 AM BST

really heavy and crap to ride?

Are we talking about bikes or Ellie? Pleased

Quote: chipolata @ July 30 2010, 10:28 AM BST

Are we talking about bikes or Ellie? Pleased


Quote: zooo @ July 30 2010, 10:18 AM BST

Ha, I'm actually not sure, I heard it on the radio this morning while I was still half asleep. The war possibly?

Nothing related to bikes whatsoever. Idiots.

From BBC news:

"Already several bikes have been targeted by anti-war protesters with large stickers about the conflict in Afghanistan being put on the back of the bikes."

Quote: EllieJP @ July 30 2010, 10:35 AM BST


You knows I loves you really and would happily ride you! :)

Even if it was a lot of effort?

Quote: EllieJP @ July 30 2010, 10:52 AM BST

Even if it was a lot of effort?

You're right, let's postpone it!

Also, it's just stickers, isn't it? Nothing worth getting worked up over.

Well yes. But it's just the same as some little twat grafittiing them. It's annoying that people are so self centred. They can't just let something be without messing with it.

How on earth do you spell grafittiing?

Quote: zooo @ July 30 2010, 11:19 AM BST

Well yes. But it's just the same as some little twat grafittiing them. It's annoying that people are so self centred. They can't just let something be without messing with it.

On a related point, anti-war protesters who smashed up a factory got let off because basically, they had believed in their cause.

urple">UK factory saboteurs acquitted

A group of activists who broke into an arms factory near Brighton last year and caused damage costing around £180,000 ($275,000) were found not guilty last week of causing criminal damage.

In a lawsuit filed in October, seven British activists claimed they were legally justified to break in and sabotage the factory of EDO MBM Technology near Brighton, on the south coast of England, in January 2009, at the time of Operation Cast Lead.

Believing that the company was violating export license regulations and sending arms components to Israel, the activists, from a group called Smash EDO, said they wanted to "slow down" the manufacture of components that were allegedly being sold to the Jewish state.

The protesters threw computers and file cabinets out of the factory windows and smashed machinery using hammers, claiming they were seeking to prevent "Israeli war crimes in Gaza."

The seven admitted breaking in and causing the damage but were acquitted when the jury found them not guilty of conspiring to cause criminal damage, despite video-taped interviews of the activists that outlined their intention to cause criminal damage and "smash up" the factory.

That is disgusting. Truly abhorrent.

I like the purple, but rather enjoyed the pink too.

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