Friday 13th January 2017 11:38pm
14,732 posts
Quote: keewik @ 13th January 2017, 11:27 PM
Isn't one of his henchmen threatening to block the Chinese from the 'islands' they've created and the Chinese are saying there will be 'serious consequences'?
No idea, but there's no need for quotes around "islands" since they actually are islands. They've built them big enough to house runways for China's largest military aircraft and they have been recently fitted with missiles and other weapons systems. They're essentially military fortresses.
China are militarizing a disputed region and it has been American (Obama's) policy that our aircraft and ships will continue to pass through the region unimpeded. The Chinese are clearly eager to pick a fight over it, and it will almost certainly lead to a small-scale shooting confrontation in the years to come. Who knows who will be in the White House at the time it all comes to a head, but it's almost a forgone conclusion at this point. If you've been reading the news, you'll also see that neighboring countries like Vietnam, Japan and Korea are also pushing back against the Chinese expansion and are also gearing up militarily. China is itching for a fight and they'll likely get it eventually.