British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 167

Laughing out loud

Quote: AngieBaby @ July 6 2010, 10:17 PM BST

I just chekced out Raoul Moat on Facebook, he's got 84, sorry 83, make that 82 friends.

He doesn't do Farmville,'cos he hates the pigs.

I drew a piggy, kind of.


I like it, I like it a lot.

Has he just eaten?
Or is he about to be shot?

No, he's just a sad piggy.

You gave him boobs...

Yes, is that why he's sad? I don't know, but he is.

He's about to be shot.
That'd make me sad an all.

Quote: chipolata @ July 6 2010, 8:28 PM BST

Yes, because at the moment the nation is in awe of him. Rolling eyes

I was struck by some of the language used by people who knew him. After last week's shootings, one said he'd "shown what he was capable of", which sounded a bit like an accolade. Then another said Moat wanted to go out "in a blaze of glory", as if there was any glory in his psychotic behaviour. Of course, I could be reading too much into the choice of words, but remember how highly thought-of Mike Tyson was amongst the US black community a few years back; they saw him as some sort of hero, despite or even because of his unhinged actions.

Quote: Nogget @ July 7 2010, 6:13 AM BST

I was struck by some of the language used by people who knew him. After last week's shootings, one said he'd "shown what he was capable of", which sounded a bit like an accolade. Then another said Moat wanted to go out "in a blaze of glory", as if there was any glory in his psychotic behaviour. Of course, I could be reading too much into the choice of words, but remember how highly thought-of Mike Tyson was amongst the US black community a few years back; they saw him as some sort of hero, despite or even because of his unhinged actions.

What do you expect? They're his friends. I like to think if I ever brutally murder anybody my friends will stand by me.

And in late breaking news have issued a Fatwah against David Hasslehoff and Billy Raycyrus.

Quote: chipolata @ July 7 2010, 6:26 AM BST

What do you expect? They're his friends. I like to think when I eventually crumble and decide to travel around the country, brutally murdering half the BCG forum members, and, in the case of John Lucas, emptying my sack into one of his multiple knife wounds, my friends will stand by me.


Quote: john lucas 101 @ July 7 2010, 9:22 AM BST


I like to think we could work together in any brutal murder spree, John. Then later in a trial I can claim I fell under your evil sweary influence!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 7 2010, 9:18 AM BST

Laughing out loud

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