Sunday 6th July 2014 3:24pm
14,223 posts
Quote: sootyj @ 6th July 2014, 3:27 PM BST
The Leon Britten thing is bothering me. So a year and a half ago the government lost 114 files, that's a lot of files they must have filled a room.
Ok so a lot of this dossier was related to goings on at an establishment called the Elm Guest House
This 'guest house' advertised itself in the 70's as a place were gay men could get together and ermm... have parties etc
Except that was bollocks - it was a place were paedos could get together and abuse children - it was a front
Anyway the people, sorry, c**ts, that ran this place used to draw up guest lists for upcoming 'parties'
These guest lists are on the Internet for anyone to see
They are full of police, politicians, entertainers, Councillors etc etc - some of them very famous
Oh and there was one tory politician on those lists , errr I forget his name now, it was something like Liam Mitten or Deon Fritten
Plenty of people abused there have spoken about what went on in that place - like kids from local children's homes being taken there , given booze and well you am guess the rest
Anyway I'm sure Liam or whatever his name was is glad this dossier went 'missing'
Liam and RB and CR and all the others
Oh and one of the witnesses says they saw a photo of this Liam filth , naked at one of these parties with a small naked boy sat on his knee - but that's probably gone 'missing' too
These sick sick bastards have got away with this because te people charged with bringing them to account over it protected their own
It's terrifying