British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 141

The boats wanted a conflict and they got it. Some of them paid with their lives.

Quote: DaButt @ May 31 2010, 7:45 PM BST

The boats wanted a conflict and they got it. Some of them paid with their lives.

Great if it ended there. Which it won't. Let the terrorist reprisals begin.

Quote: Nogget @ May 31 2010, 7:12 PM BST

Yes, I've no idea what the true motives of each side were. Sending in armed commandos is such a provocative act, what did Israel expect to happen? Did they actually hope to get into a fight, to try to 'demonstrate' how violent the activists were? On the other hand, from the footage I saw, the activists were quick to lay into them with iron bars. What did they expect to happen, if they threaten armed commandos? I get the feeling that the Israels were correct to treat this 'flottila' as being very hostile, but actually underestimated just how bad they were. As for the flotilla, God knows; was it a mix of the naive and the sinister?

It's a pretty hoary old trick. Hezbollah in the 1980s used to leave mortars with timers outside UN bases in Lebanon, in Iraq/Afghanistan insurgents have purposefully fired from civilians homes. There's far more propaganda value in civilian casualties than killing the enemies soldiers.

Yes they absolutely wanted a confrontation and yes they wanted to die. It was a pretty deliberate choice to use sticks instead of AK47s.

As for Israel they seemed to want to make a statement and they got it wrong. Perhaps more evidence of the growing arrogance of the Israelis. They hit the Waco factor, you can't rescue hostages when there are no hostages.

There have been about 6 previous convoys that have peacefully landed at Ashdod.

I feel sorry for the Lahore terrorists. Talk about a suckass day to be the number 2 terrorist outrage.

Also footage seems to show the Israelis going in with painball/pepper spray guns and only switching to live ammo when they were in danger of being over whelmed.

Israel is a terrorist state.

Impressive hole.

Was the Silver Surfer spotted?

Looking up holes on the internet again? Rolling eyes

Quote: john lucas 101 @ June 1 2010, 3:34 PM BST

Looking up holes on the internet again? Rolling eyes

I know you're being smutty, but I do actually like a good hole.

It doesn't look real.

Not really news, but the wrestler playing B.A. Baracus in the new The A Team movie, Rampage Jackson, has made the news for saying acting is kinda gay.

So it seems my misgivings that he may be wrong the part were misplaced. (Even though Mr T did pretend to be a fan of Boy George in one memorable episode of The A Team.)

Sadly, a lot of African Americans seem to have a fairly unenlghtened view on homosexuality. The gayers.

A recent South Park episode featured a rally by Gays Against Fags:

Quote: Kenneth @ June 2 2010, 10:58 AM BST

Not really news, but the wrestler playing B.A. Baracus in the new The A Team movie, Rampage Jackson, has made the news for saying acting is kinda gay.


What a dick.

Doesn't he realise moaning about all that makes him sound like a whiny little girl?

Quote: zooo @ June 2 2010, 1:21 PM BST

Doesn't he realise moaning about all that makes him sound like a whiny little girl?

I pity the fool!

Sorry to read that you've had your own shooting rampage. :(

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