Friday 11th October 2013 9:26pm [Edited]
14,182 posts
I say' they' merely because I'm a lazy bastard and its just quicker!
And I pride myself on not being predudiced against any race, faith,crede,sexual group etc etc
I'm predudiced against arseholes who deserve it!
Please please don't try to defect any shred of anti Jewishness in me mate
I know your Jewish
And the fact that I'm talking to a Jewish person right now fills my heart with pure joy
Cos, it reminds me, Hitler and his filthy followers wanted you and all your family dead and YES!!! the c**ts failed , we stopped them
Your alive! and here! and whenever I see a Jewish person on the bus or whatever I thank God
I'm off for a poo - this is all getting to deep for me...