Monday 8th April 2013 4:59pm
5,447 posts
Stone the crows! You'd think she was flamin' Lady Macbeth the way some of youse lot are carrying on. What'd she ever do apart from tell the unions to pull their bloody heads in, and sell off the crappy economy, and go ter war to act tough? Only legit complaint I heard is that she never done anything for wimmin - she just behaved like a man, what with the teddy boy haircut and attitude. But I'll youse this, Asians in general - especially the sheilas, reckon she was a fair dinkum hero, no worries, cos she stood up to everyone. Most of me pommy mates reckon she was the devil incarnate. But that's a bit flamin' harsh. She was no bloody Maozaydung or Suharto or Pol Pot. Or no Joe Stalin or Hitler for that matter. You lot don't know when you're well off.