British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,143

;) News says don't go out unless really necessary? ok, how bad is it- the ice-cream van is round our way???...


Quote: Gordon Bennett @ January 17 2013, 3:20 PM GMT

Jesus would turn in his grave...I hope so.


He ain't even dead dude


In what sense?

In the sense he is eternal

Like our heavenly father

Whereabouts do you think he is? (Not taking the piss.)

Well you could call it 'heaven' if you want to label it!

Ah right.
Being all alive in front of all the dead people. Totes showing off.

Quote: zooo @ January 17 2013, 10:42 PM GMT

Ah right.
Being all alive in front of all the dead people. Totes showing off.

No he won't be showing off

He doesn't need to show off

When your soul has passed over and you are in his presence it will be billions of times more beautiful than you can even begin to comprehend

It's gonna be freakin awesome

Will there be sequins?

Quote: zooo @ January 17 2013, 11:43 PM GMT

Will there be sequins?

I doubt it 'cos it would appear that you would not need any clothes there.


Sounds more like Studland beach.

Quote: Nil Putters @ January 18 2013, 11:14 AM GMT

Sounds more like Studland beach.

How awful if that were actually the case.

it will mainly be awful because of all those people saying "I told you so!"

Naked old men everywhere; more like hell.

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