British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,054

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 12 2012, 1:44 PM GMT

You PR hype suckers.

If I were you, I'd check out their audited accounts and try and find a breakdown of monies in, then monies donated to "retired and injured soldiers" and "good causes". You'll have a lot of staff remunerations, expenses, property and other assets to wade through first, let alone the "fundraising costs" and other stuff. You'll be lucky if you find much in the terms of percentage that reaches the pockets of those who could do with it. Charities and their scams are a scandal waiting to explode.

Next time, don't give the British Legion any money - make your own poppy, if you need such a mnemonic. How about a rainbow poppy, for all the people killed by armed forces?

Stylee, couldn't you just show us the evidence you've amassed to support this?

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 12 2012, 1:44 PM GMT

You PR hype suckers.

If I were you, I'd check out their audited accounts and try and find a breakdown of monies in, then monies donated to "retired and injured soldiers" and "good causes". You'll have a lot of staff remunerations, expenses, property and other assets to wade through first, let alone the "fundraising costs" and other stuff. You'll be lucky if you find much in the terms of percentage that reaches the pockets of those who could do with it. Charities and their scams are a scandal waiting to explode.

Next time, don't give the British Legion any money - make your own poppy, if you need such a mnemonic. How about a rainbow poppy, for all the people killed by armed forces?

It is down to personal choice whether you wear a poppy. People know what they are buying and why. As for all these tits with jewel encrusted ones, if they can't see how stupid and ignorant this is, then they are f**kwits. A rainbow poppy is something I would be happy to buy as long is it was well run and the money went to help the right people. The poppy does provide a way for people to show their respect and gratitude, but not agreeing with it does not make you a criminal. It is a personal choice, not a legal requirement

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 12 2012, 1:44 PM GMT

You PR hype suckers.

If I were you, I'd check out their audited accounts and try and find a breakdown of monies in, then monies donated to "retired and injured soldiers" and "good causes".

Here ya go -

Quote: Pingl @ November 12 2012, 1:52 PM GMT

A rainbow poppy is something I would be happy to buy as long is it was well run and the money went to help the right people.

I don't want my cash going to Taliban soldiers, Bin Laden's cronies or to fund Madrasas in Pakistan.

The reason most people 'support our troops' is because they realise that we just don't give them a gun and say 'go and kill whomever you like'. They act on orders given to them by our elected government officials.

And when things go tits up - from firemans strikes, to Olympic security to natural disasters - who are the first people we call? (it's not Ghostbusters).

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 12 2012, 1:55 PM GMT

Evidence - audited accounts. Check for yourselves online.

I like your "independent" source, Carpark.

Like I am going to read anyones audited accounts for fun. Why don't you read them and give us a report, you lazy bum. ;)

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 1:58 PM GMT

I don't want my cash going to Taliban soldiers, Bin Laden's cronies or to fund Madrasas in Pakistan.

The reason most people 'support our troops' is because they realise that we just don't give them a gun and say 'go and kill whomever you like'. They act on orders given to them by our elected government officials.

And when things go tits up - from firemans strikes, to Olympic security to natural disasters - who are the first people we call? (it's not Ghostbusters).

I know all those bastard innocent civilians should be made to suffer, always getting in the way of our shiny weapons!

It is possible to have both respect for those who bravely put their lives on the line, or sadly lose them, and those who are the victims of war.

Though, in Stylee's defence (not that it's needed, I know!) the RBL's own figures show a 2010/11 deficit of £2.9M after having spent apparently approx. a third of income on administrative matters.

Does make you wonder if there could be a better, more efficient way of using that money.

But I suppose they may feel that it was worth spending £45.2 million to have £93.8M to spend on charitable causes.

Quote: garyd @ November 12 2012, 2:08 PM GMT

Though, in Stylee's defence (not that it's needed, I know!) the RBL's own figures show a 2010/11 deficit of £2.9M after having spent apparently approx. a third of income on administrative matters.

Does make you wonder if there could be a better, more efficient way of using that money.

But I suppose they may feel that it was worth spending £45.2 million to have £93.8M to spend on charitable causes.

Unfortunately it is almost impossible not to spend some percentage on administration, in a perfect world all the money would go to good causes, but this is no way a perfect world. At least some good is done, better than nothing being done at all.

Quote: Pingl @ November 12 2012, 1:59 PM GMT

It is possible to have both respect for those who bravely put their lives on the line, or sadly lose them, and those who are the victims of war.

Not only is it possible, it's how most sane, rational people think. Coming up with unimaginative blanket statements which are beyond the bleedin' obvious like 'war is bad m'kay', isn't really needed or warranted.

This forum is one step away from this -

Quote: Pingl @ November 12 2012, 1:59 PM GMT

I know all those bastard innocent civilians should be made to suffer, always getting in the way of our shiny weapons!

It is possible to have both respect for those who bravely put their lives on the line, or sadly lose them, and those who are the victims of war.

But after the 'war' our government (we!) always ends up giving millions in aid anyway. Whereas our armed forces sufferers are virtually cast asunder.

Quote: Pingl @ November 12 2012, 2:11 PM GMT

Unfortunately it is almost impossible not to spend some percentage on administration, in a perfect world all the money would go to good causes, but this is no way a perfect world. At least some good is done, better than nothing being done at all.

Absolutely agree.

Quote: garyd @ November 12 2012, 2:14 PM GMT

But after the 'war' our government (we!) always ends up giving millions in aid anyway. Whereas our armed forces sufferers are virtually cast asunder.

It is a cruel and cold world, I don't agree with the way our armed forces are treated, it is shite! But that is a governmental decision, they should be providing care, a charity does what it can. Most charities are dealing with issues that governments should be dealing with. But we the voters put up with it, and government is always happy when someone else foots the bill.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 2:14 PM GMT

Not only is it possible, it's how most sane, rational people think. Coming up with unimaginative blanket statements which are beyond the bleedin' obvious like 'war is bad m'kay', isn't really needed or warranted.

This forum is one step away from this -


Then my advice is don't come out with trite statements about the fire service and how the army is always there in a crisis. You can't have it both ways, to Garnett or not to Garnett as Speight would say. Love and peace man!

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 12 2012, 2:45 PM GMT

..but how would one ever know, with one's head stuck in the sand?

Make your own poppy. Don't give those cheating so-and-so "noble" charities one penny. They're conning well-intentioned people with PR hype and emotional blackmail.

...or you could "do a Louis" and buy one custom-made at a jeweller - way to go.

Then no money gets to anyone who needs it. I'm not prepared to take a stand at the cost of people I think need genuine help. Some good being done is better than no good being done.

Quote: Pingl @ November 12 2012, 2:20 PM GMT

Then my advice is don't come out with trite statements about the fire service and how the army is always there in a crisis. You can't have it both ways, to Garnett or not to Garnett as Speight would say. Love and peace man!

I can and do have it both ways (oo-er!). Having a professional, well motivated and adequately equipped army is paramount for ensuring your freedom. We have peace because we are so good at waging war.

Countries with crap militaries usually have crap governments and suffer a lot of coups and civil wars.

The good thing about Afghanistan, is that it's poppy day every day, those heroin growing funsters!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 3:07 PM GMT

I can and do have it both ways (oo-er!). Having a professional, well motivated and adequately equipped army is paramount for ensuring your freedom. We have peace because we are so good at waging war.

Countries with crap militaries usually have crap governments and suffer a lot of coups and civil wars.

The good thing about Afghanistan, is that it's poppy day every day, those heroin growing funsters!

I don't think anyone has stated any other view on this thread, I certainly haven't. It is also necessary to help injured soldiers with both mental and physical injuries. As I have said it is the job of government really, but if they won't do it I would rather see someone do it. But it is up to everyones personal views if they buy a poppy, I do out of choice not because I want to be seen wearing one. Angelic

Quote: Pingl @ November 12 2012, 3:17 PM GMT

But it is up to everyones personal views if they buy a poppy, I do out of choice not because I want to be seen wearing one.

Agreement boner in a truth dancing club on that one amigo.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 3:07 PM GMT

The good thing about Afghanistan, is that it's poppy day every day, those heroin growing funsters!

And as the last Tommy is withdrawn we could film them, pistols drawn, running towards the Taliban, in slow motion, as the picture fades into a field of Afghan poppies . . .

Y'know, I think that might just work . . .

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