British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,051

If you need to involve God in the deal, my advice is it won't work. This is a declaration between two people not some spooky divine ritual that only has meaning to those who want it to.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 10 2012, 12:39 PM GMT

Bill Clinton blows his wad on a fat chick's dress - impeach him!

George Bush kills 300,000 Iraqs - let's have a parade!

Bush secretly liked to blow his wad on dead iraqis though

George Entwistle resigns as BBC director general

After the last series of Life of Riley I'm not surprised

That Newsnight report on McAlpine was a pretty major f**k-up, but the poor bastard had only been on the job for five minutes. Resigning so soon is pretty shocking.

Quote: bigfella @ November 10 2012, 9:18 PM GMT

After the last series of Life of Riley I'm not surprised

Laughing out loud

James Blunt says . . .

"In London, I'll get the Tube or the bus and I'd rather go to a pub more than some amazing restaurant. When I go to Ibiza, I'll go on easyJet. It's cheap."

Lucky for you that no one recognises you or gives a running f**k who you are then . .

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 10 2012, 10:21 PM GMT

That Newsnight report on McAlpine was a pretty major f**k-up, but the poor bastard had only been on the job for five minutes. Resigning so soon is pretty shocking.

This whole 'head on a plate' ethos is mental.
Highly trained people are lost to the company, while the idiots responsible carry on regardless and a lesser person rises to the top.
He should stay on, winkle out the culprits and fire them.

He was fired for handling the mess so badly.

And basically saying he had no bloody idea what was going on in his own department. If he'd bullshitted better he might have kept his job.

Anyone else listen to yesterday's Today? In a very real sense John Humphrys got his boss fired with that interview. Now *that* my friends is quality BBC journalism.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 11 2012, 9:13 AM GMT

He should stay on, winkle out the culprits and fire them.

Whoever's responsible at Newsnight for approving that story is going to get canned. No question about it.

Accusing somebody of child abuse without checking your facts first should be a firing offence in any serious news room.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 11 2012, 9:13 AM GMT

This whole 'head on a plate' ethos is mental.
Highly trained people are lost to the company, while the idiots responsible carry on regardless and a lesser person rises to the top.
He should stay on, winkle out the culprits and fire them.

The chairman of the failing organisation I work for was obliged to resign because of a very public cock-up which he could no way have prevented. He had only been in the job about six months and had made a good start in winning the trust of staff, the key to turning the organisation round. His successors have been useless c**ts.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 11 2012, 10:44 AM GMT

Accusing somebody of child abuse without checking your facts first should be a firing offence in any serious news room.

Because the printed press would never smear anyone's name with a story that turned out to be groundless?

What really irks about Entwhistle's resignation is that it is a sop to the printed press, who have ethical and professional standards far below those of the BBC (or indeed timeshare salesmen and East European pimps) and who are operating an anti-BBC agenda for political reasons that are rooted in their commercial interests.

The day a tabloid editor resigns because they ran a story that turns out not to be true is the day their moral indignation could start to be taken seriously.

The standards which apply to a tax funded state broadcaster will always be able entirely different to those which apply to a for profit broadcaster

Don't like it? Move to north korea

Quote: Tursiops @ November 11 2012, 11:01 AM GMT

Because the printed press would never smear anyone's name with a story that turned out to be groundless?

Note that I said "serious" news room. That was deliberate.

The printed media has varying ethical standards and it's not fair to tar them all with the same brush.

The tabs knowingly bullshit their readers on a daily basis about celebrity waffle, but the quality press generally operates to a higher standard.

Look at what happened to Johann Hari.

Johann Hari good example.

And the Sun isn't really a newspaper. It's an entertaining tabloid comic with a little bit of news flavouring.

Like the relationship between an apple and a mcdonals apple pie.

As far as I could tell, Entwhistle was just another bag of nothing in a grey suit. There are a lot of them about, so finding his replacement will take all of 8 seconds.

*pulls out pipe* 'I remember when it was all fields around here and the people that ran television were passionate about programming. Not like these days, with your digital multi-channel media landscape...oh look, I've pissed myself and the black nurse keeps stealing my money...where was I? Oh yes, remember when ITV used to show the Professionals, the Sweeny, Space 1999...Zzzzzz'

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