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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,042

Why not just MOHO?

Music of human origin.....then again, they would then be simply plain old music awards, and how dull would they be? Perhaps the Von Trapp family would win it, like they did in Hitler's Austria.

Its like the black footballer awards. When are they going to have the left footed footballer awards, or the ginger haired footballer awards?

F**king mental all of it.

Quote: Brian Bickerstaffe @ November 4 2012, 6:13 PM GMT

Why not just MOHO?

Music of human origin.....then again, they would then be simply plain old music awards, and how dull would they be? Perhaps the Von Trapp family would win it, like they did in Hitler's Austria.

Its like the black footballer awards. When are they going to have the left footed footballer awards, or the ginger haired footballer awards?

F**king mental all of it.

Oi, why are you excluding the whales and the songbirds!


For once, I am siding with the Northers on this one. A Henry Moore statue that stood in Tower Hamlets for 20 years and was routinely vandalised by the local scum was moved 'Oop North' and put in a beautiful statue park.

Now Tower Hamlets wants it back so they can flog it off for £20 million, money they will no doubt use to house even more of the Asian sub-continent.

Don't let the Southern bastards take away your art Northers!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 4 2012, 10:49 PM GMT

Jeez - and you criticise our choices in "who do you fancy?"

That's pathetic, I mean I suppose 20 million squids is lot with cuts.

But then on the flipside Tower Hamlets is one of the most worthless and corrupt councils in England.

Quote: Tursiops @ November 4 2012, 10:54 PM GMT

Jeez - and you criticise our choices in "who do you fancy?"

Can you not see the intricacy of my plan? Like I would ever side with the Northlanders on anything. I just don't want that pig ugly statue back in my beloved London. ;)

Quote: Tursiops @ November 4 2012, 10:54 PM GMT

Jeez - and you criticise our choices in "who do you fancy?"

Thats a beautiful statue and I for one would be happy to dry hump it once the dried bird shit is scraped off.

Quote: sootyj @ November 4 2012, 10:59 PM GMT

The irony of the Respect candidate threatening to punch someone's lights out is beyond hilarious.

But that's Asian politics for you - murky stuff.

I think one can hate Respect without moving into dodgier racial territory.

I loath everything about them.

Quote: sootyj @ November 4 2012, 11:03 PM GMT

I think one can hate Respect without moving into dodgier racial territory.

Dodgy racial territories - like Bradford and Tower Hamlets - are where Respect and George Galloway get most of their votes. Thang you.

One side of the brain says Respect are manipulative wankers like the Nazis and the Communists who always pick on and exploit the weak and disenfranchised.

The other half says you're right they have thin pickings in other minority communities.

And that some where along the way the Asian community should protect its self more. George Galloway is actually quite gleeful about manipulating and lying to the Asian community.
The orange hued, two faced, c**t.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 4 2012, 11:24 PM GMT

Oh, the entrenched racism of some on this site..

Whatever you do, don't type the words 'Tower Hamlets Voting Scandal' into Google. But if you want to assauge your guilt by ignoring the evidence, then you go right ahead.

'Shut up about Muslim sex gangs Jack Straw, you know, I think Jack Straw might have been right...Why didn't anyone listen to Jack Straw?!!...'

Be sure to check out my new album Ebony and Irony on sale in time for Christmas the holiday season.

There#s more than one kind of racism and liberal fingers in the racism is every bit as pernicious as right wing judgemental racism.

Young girls need protecting from genital mutilation, not understanding of their suffering. Or else you end up sympathising with the people who shot Mala because it's their culture innit.

The way both Labor and Respect have abused family values in Asian communities, is breath taking in it's cynisim. And conservative pushing of English, democratic values has been a breath of fresh air.

Quote: sootyj @ November 5 2012, 10:50 AM GMT

The way both Labor and Respect have abused family values in Asian communities, is breath taking in it's cynisim. And conservative pushing of English, democratic values has been a breath of fresh air.

Well done. Totally agree.

Sootyj - restoring honour by throwing acid in the face of Asian racism

Galloway is a charlatan and an opportunist anyone dozy enough to vote for him will reap what they sow. The law of the land must be adhered to irrespective of race, creed or religion. There are communities in this country with major problems with abuse etc. until this issue is confronted and people aren't allowed to hide behind race and religion there will be no change. The law is the law and no race card can negate that. If I went to live in a foreign country I would be expected to respect and adhere to their laws, the same is tue here. Jack Straw stuck his head over the parapet saying what we all know. But until there is a real political will, and there isn't at present, nothing will change. Fairness and respect is a two sided street and should apply to all sectors of society

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