British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,041

Quote: lofthouse @ November 3 2012, 12:51 PM GMT

Does being left wing make you 'scum'

What's the right wing equivalent then?

There are rent-a-scum gangs on both sides. However, because most students are left wing and because of their youthful exhuberance, they are the most active and vocal and therefore far more prominent.

Labour attacks always backfire against Boris. By turning around and calling them 'lefty tossers', he has only increased his popularity. A lot of people have grown tired of the professional protestor and once again, Boris has broken ranks and shown his human side.

If it wasn't for him, Alan Johnson and Vince Cable, I'd have given up on politics in this country a long time ago.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 3 2012, 1:02 PM GMT

Oh dear. Hitler mentioned in an argument. Hand in your pass and exit the internet.

I threw in that Godwin especially for Pingl, it was his favourite expression for yonks. I do these things because I pay attention and I care about the needs of other BCG members.

It makes me a great poster and an even better lover.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 3 2012, 1:12 PM GMT

There are rent-a-scum gangs on both sides. However, because most students are left wing and because of their youthful exhuberance, they are the most active and vocal and therefore far more prominent.

Labour attacks always backfire against Boris. By turning around and calling them 'lefty tossers', he has only increased his popularity. A lot of people have grown tired of the professional protestor and once again, Boris has broken ranks and shown his human side.

If it wasn't for him, Alan Johnson and Vince Cable, I'd have given up on politics in this country a long time ago.

I threw in that Godwin especially for Pingl, it was his favourite expression for yonks. I do these things because I pay attention and I care about the needs of other BCG members.

It makes me a great poster and an even better lover.

The first part I agree with

The second part just goes to show you are Hitler
:P ;)

Quote: Pingl @ November 3 2012, 1:24 PM GMT

The second part just goes to show you are Hitler
:P ;)

Laughing out loud

Maybe left wing protesters are more prominent as most left wing people tend to be working class and actually have something to protest about due to politicians ruining their lives

Whereas most right wing people have got f**k all to protest about due to their I'm all right Jack, f**k the rest of you lot mentality !

Maybe the majority of right wing people are scratching their heads thinking 'recession?? What recession?'

Cos as we all know - the phrase 'were all in it together' is utter shit and a total lie

P.s Boris is a c**t and I hope he gets knob cancer

Quote: lofthouse @ November 3 2012, 1:33 PM GMT

Maybe left wing protesters are more prominent as most left wing people tend to be working class and actually have something to protest about due to politicians ruining their lives

Whereas most right wing people have got f**k all to protest about due to their I'm all right Jack, f**k the rest of you lot mentality !

Maybe the majority of right wing people are scratching their heads thinking 'recession?? What recession?'

Cos as we all know - the phrase 'were all in it together' is utter shit and a total lie

P.s Boris is a c**t and I hope he gets knob cancer


Quote: lofthouse @ November 3 2012, 1:33 PM GMT

Maybe left wing protesters are more prominent as most left wing people tend to be working class and actually have something to protest about due to politicians ruining their lives

Are these the same working class who want stronger immigration laws, the death penality, UK out of Europe and fully support Nick Griffin and the English Defence League?

I think the days of romanticising the 'working classes' as a mindless herd of neo-Trotskite collective proles is well over. That was all early 80s stuff.

All protests in this country are single issue and encompass all social groupings - HS2, Third Runway, Hunting, Student Fees, etc.

The mob surrounding Boris in Bristol were probably the extremely well off Labour politicians of tomorrow, trying to climb the greasy pole of their Party, their protestations a shameless attempt to curry favour. To suggest that this rent-a-scum were 'the people' is laughable and naive.

Evidenced by Boris' visit to Birmingham, rather then attacking the blonde haired dynamo, the ordinary people embraced him as a celebrity.

There were some conservative protests against labour when they were power

Country side alliance and fuel protestors

Better dressed than lefty protestors bust worse music

Perhaps the reason so many students are left wing is because right wingers are too mentally ill to study. After all, the study reported upon here;
...suggests that "conservatism can be explained psychologically as a set of neuroses rooted in "fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity". "

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 3 2012, 1:12 PM GMT

By turning around and calling them 'lefty tossers', he has only increased his popularity. A lot of people have grown tired of the professional protestor and once again, Boris has broken ranks and shown his human side.

Then it would be inhuman of me to not call you a tosser.

Quote: Nogget @ November 3 2012, 2:55 PM GMT

Then it would be inhuman of me to not call you a tosser.

As long as it's not a 'lefty tosser', then that's fine. Libertarian with a desire for a true meritocracy tosser would be most accurate in terms of accusation.

But I do realise that I've been debating with a liberal intelligencia who's most astounding political revelation was 'Mitt Romney is a doo-doo head', so I may have to settle for just plain 'tosser'.

Pleased to see the outcome of the MOBO awards tonight.

Look forward to the MOWO awards, whenever that might be . . . .

Quote: Oldrocker @ November 3 2012, 11:48 PM GMT

Pleased to see the outcome of the MOBO awards tonight.

Look forward to the MOWO awards, whenever that might be . . . .


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 3 2012, 2:09 PM GMT

Are these the same working class who want stronger immigration laws, the death penality, UK out of Europe and fully support Nick Griffin and the English Defence League?

That is an exceedingly New Labour view of the white working class. Gordon is that you?

Quote: Oldrocker @ November 3 2012, 11:48 PM GMT

Pleased to see the outcome of the MOBO awards tonight.

Look forward to the MOWO awards, whenever that might be . . . .

Or the MOFO awards for mother fu**ers (white or black)

The again, Savile would win that.

But yes serioulsy what is it with all this shit about music of black origin? As you imply, music awards for white origin inspiration would cause something akin to WW3.

Same as the 2 Ferdinand brothers trying to start a player's union for blacks only. f**king racist or what? The dumb f**ks just don't seem to get it. Then again, why would they?

Like most of their type, black and white, they are largely a bunch of deluded thick f**ker millionaires who, if they couldn't kick a ball in a reasonably straight line, would be stealing cars, peddling drugs and pushing grannies over for their pension. Instead they spend their time spit-roasting slags in 5 star hotels and crashing high-performance cars. Wankers.

Absolutely amazing that it even gets to be openly discussed in the media without any issues arising.

I'm off to start my own union for fat f**king losers.....for whites only.
So...Howard off the Halifax ads, and Ainsly Harriet..if you're reading this...f**k off you can't join...start your own union.

Quote: Nogget @ November 3 2012, 2:55 PM GMT

"conservatism can be explained psychologically as a set of neuroses rooted in "fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity". "

Quote: Brian Bickerstaffe @ November 4 2012, 5:26 PM GMT

But yes serioulsy what is it with all this shit about music of black origin? As you imply, music awards for white origin inspiration would cause something akin to WW3.

Mitt Romney is a doo doo head Laughing out loud

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