British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,034

Quote: billwill @ October 25 2012, 12:50 AM BST

$780,000 virgin

£500,000 for that?! Don't get me wrong, she ain't exactly a dog, but for that kind of money, you could probably bang your favourtie Hollywood actress / pop music star / minor royalty.

Hopefully this will start a trend of young Brazilian slags flying to Britain, claiming they're Muslim, getting a free hymen restoration and then flogging their 'virgin' tang on eBay.

I think the only moral way this story can end is if the Japanese bloke who bought her has AIDS.

Quote: AJGO @ October 24 2012, 5:48 PM BST

Is everyone being a paedo? Is it de rigeur this season?
I don't wanna be a paedo, I struggle enough with florals :(

I can't help feeling David Icke is waiting in the wings, ready to give us his 'lizard-people run the country'

Quote: billwill @ October 25 2012, 12:50 AM BST

$780,000 virgin

Possibly most of the BCG ladies have miised the boat on this ploy.

Very disappointing.
I Bidnapped it at £35.

Families would receive child benefit and other state handouts only for their first two children under a controversial change proposed yesterday by the Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith.

If society agrees that it's okay for the government to introduce tax policies that encourage marriage, can we not also agree that it's okay to introduce welfare policies that discourage population growth?

As a third child I feel victimised!

With Skyfall in the news, I was wondering who was peoples favourite Bond and why. Mine is Roger Moore, the first grown up film I ever saw at the cinema was 'Live and Let Die' and I still recall how blown away I was by that film, which on reflection is quite weird, voodoo etc. My favourite film is probably OHMS because it follows the book closely. Shame about Lazenby though. I read all the books when I was a kid. But Moore is still my favourite, although I know he has gone a bit out of fashion now.

I've never felt interested in Bond. In fact I've never, ever, seen a Bond film in the cinema. Think I may have seen a couple on TV but really can't be bothered with them.

I really like Timothy Dalton as Bond. Think he only did two. :(

I find Roger Moore a bit too silly and smarmy and lightweight. But his films are still fun.

Connery all the way.

Brosnan wasn't too bad either

Mr Berlusconi may soon discover that the Bunga-Bunga parties in jail are somewhat different to those that he is accustomed to.

Sean Connery, those eyes, that accent Lovey

Is your real name Sandonbelle?
But you just like shaying it in a Connery accent?


Daniel Craig on Graham Norton show...wooo.

This actually made me cry. What the f**k is wrong with people?

I won't comment on the sick person who did that...but I'm happy about that cat's stamina. They really have nine lives!

Quote: AJGO @ October 27 2012, 1:43 PM BST

This actually made me cry. What the f**k is wrong with people?

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