British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,030

It's lucky we don't all have to resign every time we swear. I'd be buggered.

Quote: zooo @ October 20 2012, 12:32 PM BST

It's lucky we don't all have to resign every time we swear. I'd be buggered.

This is true, but nothing cheers me up like a Tory leaving Office. Oh happy days!

Quote: zooo @ October 20 2012, 12:32 PM BST

It's lucky we don't all have to resign every time we swear. I'd be buggered.

It wasn't really the swearing which did him in, it was the pathetic way he tried to cover it up. He ended up looking like an idiot. Instead of weaselling around saying he didn't say those words, he would have better off saying something like "of course I swore, he was being a c***."

There should be a plebicite on rude language, then all we plebs would get our say, mine would be he's a Tory wanker :D

'South Yorkshire Police, which is leading the investigation, said the suspect was being transported to South Yorkshire.'

F**k me, I know DC has promised tougher sentencing but that's a bit much !

Mars twinned with Scotland, why doesn't this surprise me.

Are they going to try to batter and fry it?

Quote: Pingl @ October 21 2012, 10:34 PM BST

Mars twinned with Scotland, why doesn't this surprise me.

Twinned with Glenelg IN Scotland. Please get it right.

its all outer space to me :D

Frankie Boyle wins more than £50,000 libel damages from Daily Mirror
Jury decides comedian was libelled by claims he is a 'racist' .../

It's interesting that being racist is dealt with severely by the law, as is being wrongly accused of being a racist, but while we have the handy term 'racist' to describe the felon in the first example, there is no handy term to describe someone who Wrongly Accuses Someone Of Racism. Maybe if there was, it would be easier to identify and stamp out the practise, which is surely just as bad as racism, if we are to believe that racism itself is a terrible thing.

Okay, who has the original Mirror article and/or the Boyle joke?

The blame culture just maybe going a bit too far...

That seems fairly appalling.

Surely as an act of God they should have just strung up a few priests?

:O Bloody hell.

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