British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,029

Quote: Nogget @ October 19 2012, 1:33 PM BST

Trenton Oldfield, who disrupted this year's University Boat Race has been jailed for six months for causing a public nuisance.

Oldfield said he was demonstrating against government cuts.

Judge Anne Molyneux said: "You did nothing to address inequality by giving yourself the right to spoil the enjoyment of others."

6 months in jail for spoiling enjoyment? I wonder what he would have got if he'd spoiled some homeless people's enjoyment instead of that of a bunch of toffs.

trenton oldfield now there is a comedy name

I'm rather glad he got punished, he's a prick.

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 18 2012, 12:47 PM BST

RIP Sylvia Kristel (Emmanuelle).


Quote: Nil Putters @ October 18 2012, 12:47 PM BST

Pass the tissues.

:D ;)

Quote: zooo @ October 19 2012, 1:38 PM BST

I'm rather glad he got punished, he's a prick.

Yes, but if you start locking up people just for being pricks, who would be left to run Chortle?

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 18 2012, 12:47 PM BST

RIP Sylvia Kristel (Emmanuelle).

Pass the tissues.

You can bet Savile will be on her like a cat on a kipper already.

Died at 60 eh? How ironic she never experienced 69.........

I wonder if savile and whacko jacko are friend in hell?

Quote: sootyj @ October 19 2012, 2:35 PM BST

I wonder if savile and whacko jacko are friend in hell?


I bet they've started up their own nonce agency already

Quote: Nogget @ October 19 2012, 1:33 PM BST

Trenton Oldfield, who disrupted this year's University Boat Race has been jailed for six months for causing a public nuisance.

Oldfield said he was demonstrating against government cuts.

Judge Anne Molyneux said: "You did nothing to address inequality by giving yourself the right to spoil the enjoyment of others."

6 months in jail for spoiling enjoyment? I wonder what he would have got if he'd spoiled some homeless people's enjoyment instead of that of a bunch of toffs.

If he'd had a good brief it could be argued that the rowers f**ked up his saturday afternoon swim!

Quote: Pingl @ October 19 2012, 1:35 PM BST

trenton oldfield now there is a comedy name

Definately a Chris Morris name, are there any pictures?

Biggest non-news story of the day -

George Osborne gets on different train due to scheduling change, has to upgrade his ticket from Standard to First Class, not very good reporter gets over excited.

Actual quote / Tweet - "Breaking news: George Osborne pays £160 to stay in first class!"

Breaking news and an exclaimation mark - wow, Woodward and Bernstein must be rolling over in their graves with uncontrollable envy.

Quote: Nogget @ October 19 2012, 1:33 PM BST

6 months in jail for spoiling enjoyment? I wonder what he would have got if he'd spoiled some homeless people's enjoyment instead of that of a bunch of toffs.

Damn straight. You have to make an example out of attention seeking nutters or every future Oxbridge boat race will be disrupted by protesters (usually ugly lesbians) chucking themselves in the Thames.

Trenton Oldfield is a VERY ugly lesbian.

Quote: zooo @ October 19 2012, 6:38 PM BST

Trenton Oldfield is a VERY ugly lesbian.

I've seen uglier.

Quote: zooo @ October 19 2012, 6:38 PM BST

Trenton Oldfield is a VERY ugly lesbian.

Really? Is he/she/it a female? Didn't know that.



Mitchell finally resigns with all the good grace of a fart in a spacesuit.

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