British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,015

Doesn't Bill like to choke 'em?

Mind you in his dope addled senility he probably thought she was a barbie doll and was trying to pull her head off?


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ September 24 2012, 3:55 PM BST

Ah, if only he was a rich rock star like Bill Wyman, then he could easily get away with fiddling a teenie.

Or a Jim'll Fixit presenter

One day he's taking the day he'll be on it

'effin 'ell

cookiegate! Cookiemonster for president!

I bet there'll be a queue to put down Bishop Bell CofE School as a first choice at the next intake . . .

From the BBC website.

Their disappearance comes three years after Robert Healy, who was a PE teacher at the school, was jailed for seven years after grooming two pupils on social networking site Bebo.

He had sex three or four times with one teenage victim and then started a second relationship with a slightly older girl from the same school.

Jailing him at Lewes Crown Court in 2009, Judge Charles Kemp said Healy's "predatory" behaviour was a "grave breach of trust".

And it emerged in March that the school allowed a retired Church of England priest who was suspended from the church following a Criminal Records Bureau check to remain as a governor, despite being aware of the child sex allegations against him.

Canon Gordon Rideout, 73, has been charged with committing 38 offences over an 11-year period between 1962 and 1973. He stood as a governor until November 2011.

He is due to stand trial at Lewes Crown Court on 19 October.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but school governors tend not to have much "hands on" time with students.

I am so glad that the student / teacher relationship hasn't been hyped by Hollywood or even the British film industry.

Carey Mulligan in an Education has taught us that nothing good can come from a teacher going out with his pupil and taking her to France.

Young teacher, the subject
Of schoolgirl fantasy
She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be
Inside her there's longing
This girl's an open page
Book marking - she's so close now
This girl is half his age

Weeeee!!! Teachers shagging their pupils is more British then Morris Dancing!

"squeals" OMG !

Bishop Bell School?

Bishop Bell End more like! Sounds like a proper little knocking shop.

Loved the bit about, the aptly named Cannon Rideout too.

Look on the bright least her conversational French should have improved somewhat.

Quote: Oldrocker @ September 26 2012, 12:10 PM BST

"squeals" OMG !

There's something screwy about the big bang, either our galaxy or galaxies like those in the article must have moved away from the locus of the big bang at speeds faster than the speed of light.

Quote: billwill @ September 26 2012, 4:21 PM BST

There's something screwy about the big bang, galaxies like those in the article must have moved away from the locus of the big bang at speeds faster than the speed of light.either our galaxy or

They got billwill before he could tell ! ! !

Quote: billwill @ September 26 2012, 4:21 PM BST

There's something screwy about the big bang, either our galaxy or galaxies like those in the article must have moved away from the locus of the big bang at speeds faster than the speed of light.

ooops, should have read as this revised edition.

Don't get too attached to your avatars.

In a nutshell..

Leaked EU report calls for the abolition of online anonymity; wants avatars replaced by real photos, etc etc etc.

And no, this is not from the Rake & Herald.

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