British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,009

I am at a total loss as to what, if anything, to say . . . .

The mean part of me does rather think, take the hint.

Quote: zooo @ September 20 2012, 10:00 PM BST

The mean part of me does rather think, take the hint.

The mean part of me was saying, stop being so bloody selfish.

That too!

Zooo, will you stop agreeing with me!? It's freaking me out.

Agreed. I'll stop.

Black people are nice, aren't they zooo?

Why, I oughta...

Admit you've been bested by the bestest..? Cool


My work here is done.

Quote: Oldrocker @ September 20 2012, 9:53 PM BST

If only she'd bought that lucky heather from the nice gypsy woman...

Quote: sootyj @ September 20 2012, 4:52 PM BST

The guy who invented died today.

Partially of binge drinking.

I bet there won't be one thing quite that ironic, for quite some time.

>The guy who invented died today.


Re: The Islamic Protests over the You Tube film ridiculing Mohammed

Dear Newly Appointed Arab Spring Leaders,

I would like to congratulate you on getting your peasant populations to ignore all the poverty, joblessness, lack of security and uncertain economic futures in your respective countries by getting them to concentrate on a trivial film.

By whipping up anger against a perceived common enemy, you have managed to instill national pride in your particular group of sandal wearing hate mongers. Please make sure that once you are in power, all opposing political parties are wiped out, women are subjugated and freedom of speech surpressed.

After careful consideration, we have decided to successfully help you carry on your wave of mindless violence and fear distribution by asking our French neighbours to publish some cartoons. We in the West know how much you hate and despise cartoons, due to their power to destroy faiths and bring down religious regimes in the past. (???)

Salman Rushdie has just embarked on a tour to promote his new book, so try and crowbar that in if you can. No rush, he'll be around for a while.

Mocking Your Faithfully,

The West

Quote: billwill @ September 20 2012, 11:14 PM BST

>The guy who invented died today.



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