British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,005

Quote: Lazzard @ September 12 2012, 11:20 AM BST

Looks to be one set of fundamentalist c**ts trying to wind up another sety of fundamentalist c**ts.

Well, that certainly makes me want to blow shit up.

Quote: sootyj @ September 12 2012, 5:42 PM BST


You will have to explain!

Already one of my favourite headlines of all time.

What wpuld henry the eigth do?

H8 would have probably crapped in Riii grave. The Tudors weren't keen on the man!

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 13 2012, 7:49 PM BST

Already one of my favourite headlines of all time.

And glow-in-the-dark monkeys too.

Quote: Lazzard @ September 12 2012, 11:20 AM BST

Looks to be one set of fundamentalist c**ts trying to wind up another sety of fundamentalist c**ts.

I'm not sure about the plot, they should have saved some of the budget for a better script instead of blowing it all on lavish production values.

The French paparazzi strike again - their invasion of privacy is getting out of control.
How is this in 'the public interest'?

So, anyone got a link to the pic of Kate's norks?

Laughing out loud

Quote: Lazzard @ September 14 2012, 9:38 AM BST

So, anyone got a link to the pic of Kate's norks?

Here's Chris De Burgh's daughter to tie you over.


She looks a bit like Davina thingy.

Quote: Lazzard @ September 14 2012, 9:38 AM BST

The French paparazzi strike again - their invasion of privacy is getting out of control.
How is this in 'the public interest'?

So, anyone got a link to the pic of Kate's norks?

An accurate sum up of most peoples reaction.

Quote: Lazzard @ September 14 2012, 9:38 AM BST

The French paparazzi strike again - their invasion of privacy is getting out of control.
How is this in 'the public interest'?

So, anyone got a link to the pic of Kate's norks?

Erm, for Newsjack purposes:


On balance, I think I prefer her sister's bum.

Wow, boobs! How fascinating!...

People are weird, innit.

Lol at him putting suncream on her bum though. He's a very helpful fellow.

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