British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,003

Cause and affect?

Quote: Badge @ September 7 2012, 3:37 PM BST

Cause and affect?

I'd like to think so. When the first commercial printing presses started to churn out affordable books by the bucketloads, the literacy rates skyrocketed. Even in the poorest rural communities, children suddenly had access to the classics, the Bible, Shakespeare, etc. and vocabularies and therefore thought processes improved immensely. Technology in this case seems to be doing our future progeny a disservice.

One of the things I appreciate about the BCG is Aaron's disdain for text or Internet speak and the draconian way in which he applies the rules. The Web has very few gatekeepers and if you were to actually mention to someone on Facebook or Twitter that you didn't appreciate their spelling, grammar or punctuation, it is you, not them, that will be lambasted and castigated.

Mob rulez!

One of the things I appreciate about the BCG is Aaron's disdain for text or Internet speak and the draconian way in which he applies the rules. The Web has very few gatekeepers and if you were to actually mention to someone on Facebook or Twitter that you didn't appreciate their spelling, grammar or punctuation, it is you, not them, that will be lambasted and castigated.

I do agree. But as an aside, most people (well, if you follow adults) on Twitter do use proper language, despite the 140 character rule, which you'd think would encourage txtspk.

Very much unlike Facebook.

In "Down and Out in Paris and London", middle-class George Orwell can't get his head around being called "mate" by his fellow "tramps".

Why is this relevant?

Well, it proves that I've read "Down and Out in Paris and London", for starters.

*gives up*

Well, it proves that I've read "Down and Out in Paris and London", for starters.

*does a slow hand clap*


In all seriousness, the French should just give up.

They've got a ridiculous language with a whole shedload of unnecessary affectations. Time to start letting evolve like it's supposed to.

Quote: Badge @ September 7 2012, 4:00 PM BST

*gives up*

Sorry Badge, your 'affect' instead of 'effect' joke should have been given more attention. But I was in soap boxy mode, so decided to ignore it and soldier on with my rant.

Is this not just an inevitable evolution of people from different countries and cultures etc etc being able to communicate with each other on an astonishingly large scale? Like it has done throughout history when new scales or routes of trade or migration occurred, spoken language is expected to meld into new forms that would seem barely comprehensible to us, just as many of the great literary figures throughout history wouldn't have a scooby what we say

Health service watchdog supposed to protect whistleblowers persecutes whistleblower in own ranks:

Shapps replaced Baroness (Sayeeda) Warsi as Tory party chairman last week in the governmental reshuffle. He has been dubbed the minister for the Today programme due to the frequency of his appearances on the Radio 4 flagship news show.


I be that does not appear on his Wikipedia entry...

Shapps is my local MP; it pains me to say it but he has been a considerable improvement on the New Labour Blair Babe who occasionally use to wave at us from the train as she commuted into Westminster from Cambridge.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 7 2012, 2:01 PM BST

The average age of death for human males is 65.

Yeah but by that token, on average, males have less than one cock!

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 7 2012, 2:01 PM BST

The average age of death for human males is 65.

No wonder the Rolling Stones do their farewell tour, it's about time...


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