British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,002

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 7 2012, 1:50 PM BST

66 isn't a young age to die.

It's pretty young, these days.

Quote: zooo @ September 7 2012, 1:38 PM BST

Terry Nutkins died. :(

:O Teary RIP

80s and 90s are acceptable ages to die. 70s, just about okay. But 60s? No way.

(P.S. No age is really 'acceptable' to die. I don't plan on doing it at all.)

The average age of death for human males is 65.

In what country? And in which century...?

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 7 2012, 2:01 PM BST

The average age of death for human males is 65.

It's late seventies in this country according to a quick Google! About 78 for men, 80 for women.

No one I know of dies at 65. :S

Quote: zooo @ September 7 2012, 2:02 PM BST

In what country? And in which century...?

It's a species-wide average.

Okie dokie.

But seeing as most of us, and Terry Nutkins, are British, I'll go with 80 as being average...

There are better places to read about this, I'm sure, but this Judge Bowers has serious head problems if he thinks telling a burglar he's very brave for committing the crime. What on earth!? This isn't the first time he's caused a stir with is method of judgery...or whatever it's called.

There are better places to read about this, I'm sure, but this Judge Bowers has serious head problems if he thinks telling a burglar he's very brave for committing the crime. What on earth!? This isn't the first time he's caused a stir with is method of judgery...or whatever it's called.

It takes more courage than I will ever know to shit on some one's front room rug and steal their dirty underwear.

Or...even in a cardboard Stephen did.

I DID NOT! (now you are making me protest too much)

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ September 7 2012, 2:40 PM BST

I DID NOT! (now you are making me protest too much)

Do you keep a selection of boxes outside your bedroom for use on a Friday night, Stephen? Well, do you!? <shines a torch in Stephen's face> <stalking like a pro>

It would appear that Twitter is effecting the way everyone speaks on an international level. Longer, more formal ways of addressing people are being replaced with much more casual, familiar and in some cases disrespectful terms.

Seemingly, our global languages are changing for the worse because people are too lazy to write out words properly using telephone keys. Not sure what to make of this.

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