There has been a lot of debate when it comes to Microsoft Word on these boards, and I see that the general consensus seems to be that most if not all prodcos want you to submit scripts in Word format.
I currently have Microsoft Works, which I'm happy with, but people have said that Works word processor files cannot open in Word, so if I sent a wps file to a producer and they couldn't open it, I'd be... well... f**ked.
So should I get Office?
I know it comes a hefty price tag, but I'm deadly serious about my chosen profession.
Yes, I now there's Open Office which boasts being Word Compatible...
...that means it opens Word files.
But what about the other way round?
Will someone with Word be able to open an OpenOffice file in Word?
Probably not!
Which kinda renders it useless!
And I doubt a producer is going to bother downloading a fifty meg programme just to view my script.
They will just move swiftly onto the next COMPATIBLE script.
So, here's the question?
Should I buy Microsoft Office?