Funny coz it's true?
Half a dozen friends sit around a table in an upmarket London wine bar, joking, conversing, drinking and generally having a pleasant evening.
TOBY is showing off his mobile phone's video camera function to CHARLOTTE.
Hey, Dan, Dan, do that thing you do.
What, the bird thing?
Yeah, yeah, do that. Do the bird thing.
DAN does an exaggerated impersonation of some kind of waterfowl, flapping his hands around with a big stupid beakish grin on his face.
His friends patiently watch Dan with blank expressions while TOBY films it on his phone.
Got it. Okay. Now watch this.
TOBY shows his friends the video he has just taken. We see that it's exactly the same as what we just saw live. Everybody creases up in raucous laughter.
Toby, get this.
JACK does something even more ridiculous, tossing his limbs around and gurning like an idiot while TOBY videos it on his phone.
Nobody responds to the performance. One person looks around the bar, distracted. Another checks her watch.
He shows them the video. All explode into laughter again, slapping thighs, doubling over, almost weeping.
Okay, okay, my turn...
TOBY videos EMILY doing an even more elaborate and ridiculous physical comedy performance, thrashing around and contorting her face as if in pain.
Her friends seem even more bored than before. More watch-checking and distracted looks. A couple strike up a quiet, private conversation.
Then TOBY plays back the video for them and everybody collapses into almost orgasmic hilarity, bashing their fists on the table, beer spurting from their mouths, falling off their chairs, and generally turning purple with fun.