Evening everyone,
As you may have noticed there's (finally) more activity happening in regards to the new website now. I will soon have lots more info about everything, and will also be sending out an update email to those who have kindly offered to write guides for the new site.
First though, I wanted to talk a bit more about the comedy writing side of things. Without going into the boring nitty gritty, the basic plan is to extend the comedy writing community, services and info on this website into something even bigger and better on the new website.
As a result, a new writers area is currently being formulated behind the scenes. It will be focusing on sitcom, sketch and stand-up. Lots of advice articles from the experts and insight from those working in the industry.
Although we've got lots planned. I'd be interested to hear your ideas...
Here's the question then... what, in terms of comedy writing / performing, would you like to know more about or like us to provide more of?
All ideas or requests considered so please post away!
p.s. Please also see this thread about a writers conference idea: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/10083