British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 1,278

People who hijack sad occasions to make a point...

I have never connected REST IN PEACE with anything religious before? Surely if you go to heaven, you'll be chatting to Einstein or hitting on Marilyn Monroe and too busy to be resting?

Quote: Lee @ July 20 2013, 4:31 PM BST

I have never connected REST IN PEACE with anything religious before? Surely if you go to heaven, you'll be chatting to Einstein or hitting on Marilyn Monroe and too busy to be resting?

I think it has its origins in early medieval burial ceremonies - the hope that the soul would find eternal rest in the afterlife. However, I think it's religious meaning has long since lost any resonance.

I think we use it because we lack appropriate phrases to express sadness at death. Our culture deals with the subject notoriously badly.

We also say Jesus Christ when we stub our toe. They're just words.

I murdered this guy and dumped his corpse in an allotment growing sugar snaps, runers and other legumes

I said rest in peas

I was being ironic

Well actually zooo, that comes from the time when Jesus was a cheeky little scamp who used to leave his toys in the middle of the room and Joseph would stand or stub his toe on them and yell "Jesus Christ!"

So what did Jesus shout when he stubbed his own toe?


'Oh bother.'

Quote: lofthouse @ July 20 2013, 6:04 PM BST

So what did Jesus shout when he stunned his own toe?


Laughing out loud Exactly!

Quote: lofthouse @ July 20 2013, 3:39 PM BST

People who go around saying "RIP" even though they usually say when your dead your dead and that's that!

Whistling nnocently

Yeh, but we mean Rust in Perpetuity, 'cos us humans have lots of Iron in us.

Pissed off doesn't cover it. One company told us the sink we wanted would be available on next day delivery. We booked the plumber, phoned the company a couple of days before and were told it would be 3 weeks. So we tried another company who said it would be about a week. Ordered sink from second company, rebooked plumber. Plumber arrived, sink didn't. Phoned 2nd company, was told it would be about 2 weeks. Phoned first company again, they said it would be about two weeks.

Today the second company came to collect some equipment and brought the sink with them, a week earlier than expected. Told us their equipment is supplied by the first company. Plumber is on holiday.

Why don't you just buy a bucket?

Quote: Loopey @ July 22 2013, 10:00 AM BST

Pissed off doesn't cover it. One company told us the sink we wanted would be available on next day delivery. We booked the plumber, phoned the company a couple of days before and were told it would be 3 weeks. So we tried another company who said it would be about a week. Ordered sink from second company, rebooked plumber. Plumber arrived, sink didn't. Phoned 2nd company, was told it would be about 2 weeks. Phoned first company again, they said it would be about two weeks.

Today the second company came to collect some equipment and brought the sink with them, a week earlier than expected. Told us their equipment is supplied by the first company. Plumber is on holiday.

I hope you haven't lost a lot of money down the plug hole, Loopey.

She's going round the bend.

I've got a bucket. I'm feeling drained.

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