Quote: lofthouse @ July 19 2013, 1:23 PM BSTDavid Cameron is very keen to say people need to go out an get a job
And he is spot on
And if everyone could have a job like HIS then they probably would
Does this f**k actually do any work?
At Wimbledon the other week
Sat watching the cricket at Lords today
Free loading lazy workshy over privileged c**t
Yes you shouldn't sit on your arse all day - do what I do and get a job - and sit on your arse all day doing shit all except get pissed up on champagne and stuffing your gob with strawberrys and lobster - bought with tax payers money
Work? You don't know the meaning of the word
I do more 'work' in a week than you do in a year
Yes absolutely.
I went in the cuts following a kind of manipulative pressure once favoured by totalitarian states. Intelligent persistent opposition and somewhat individual behaviour ensured that my departure was via Harley Street. There the one appointed said that it was all entirely reasonable. I saw blood dripping from his greasy hair.
They changed the legislation and stole my right to £100,000 in compensation. Others experienced the same. Yes that was generous, I guess, for someone on just a national average salary but then I had been there 25 years. I have been living since December 2010 without any income and I don't qualify for any benefits. Good. Consequently I am entirely "outwith" state but I now recall how bees and flowers connected at age 7.
Of course like a mother of a schizophrenic, the Govs will push you away and insist you go to them. That is why people behave as they do. Even the successful are horribly ill. But I no longer permit the news to be in my humble abode as "my" country isn't welcome here. Ladies and Gentlemen I am floating in space and it is ever so lovely and normal here. I've occupied my head more or less and unfold my map under that canvas.