Alfred J Kipper
Friday 28th June 2013 6:54am [Edited]
8,421 posts
Yes I love it, very rewatchable and it is an overlooked little gem. You have the nostalgia or curiosity factor seeing life as it was 40 years ago, always good, plus a host of comic actors from that era doing their thing. And some of the best comedy writers of the day including Galton & Simpson with the best of the bunch, Pride, which is celebrated in its own right. There are some really fun ones too, and Leslie Phillips in particular is in top form in Gluttony.
On the rewatches you pick up all the little injokes and film references, this was apparently down to director Graham Stark wanting to show off, and I think it makes it a joy to watch for this alone. An under rated, over looked little British comedy IMO. If remade today, one or two sketches would be replaced with better ones and the production values would be better, but this is well worth a look as it is, and you can always next chapter it on DVD to skip the poorer sketches.