An idea I just came up with. What do you think to the ending? Too weak? I struggled with finishing it.
Int. Pete Doherty's flat
Pete Doherty is sat at a table. Amy Winehouse comes running in and sits down.
Amy: Oh my God! Have you heard the news?! Five! FIVE!!!
Pete: I know, I know. I can't believe it either. Neighbours on Channel 5!
Amy: No! Five Grammys! I got five Grammys!
Pete: Cool, looks like we're in for a good night.
Amy: Not Grams! Grammys! G-R-A-M-M-Y-S!
Pete: Oh, I got yer. I've got good news too.
Amy: You're off the smack?
Pete: Haha! Of course not! No, I've just secured a gig at The Royal Albert Hall.
Amy: Well done, mate! Are you nervous?
Pete: Nah not really. There's nothing scary about being a cleaner.