Tuesday 11th June 2013 10:44pm
Royal Berkshire
69,985 posts
Quote: Pip Bond @ June 11 2013, 10:56 AM BST
I must admit that I tended to use it as a sort of aperitif to the greater enjoyment of The Job Lot.
We inhabit opposing plains.
I'm minded to agree with Gordon re: Ash. Rheon has proved with past roles that he has great acting talent, but in this he just doesn't seem to jel. I can't put my finger on quite why that is, but it doesn't help that Ash has a look of near-constant amazement on his face that one feels would not be out of place on a lobotomy subject.
Minor quibble though.
Marvellous series, on the whole. I've laughed a lot and it thoroughly brightened up my Monday evenings. I suspect ITV are a little unhappy with the viewing figures - they've not done too badly overall, but did slip to 2.88m in this week's overnights.
I can't help feeling this is the kind of series that could really take off and become a big, popular hit if given the chance. I really hope they do recommission the show, preferably with an extended-length run to allow it to bed in and capture the audience, and that they play it in Autumn or Winter, dark seasons that an uproarious sitcom like this feels far more suited to, IMO.
But I did enjoy this, a lot. I can see myself rewatching it repeatedly - and there are as good as no other modern sitcoms I can say that about.
Bravo, ITV. Please order more.