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Post watershed new satire sketch show?

Hi, I love the Rory Bremner - type very clever satire, and a great fan of The Fast Show.

I think there's a gap in the market for biting political and social satire in the form of irreverant sketches sending up the incestuous nature of modern celebrity / political / media life.

I have a great (I think so!) idea for a new Fast Show type of comedy show - 30 minutes, 6 comedian, post watershed show. Love to hear if you want to be a post modern satirist not afraid to shock jock your way into the public consciousness!

We need better comedy that satirises with a good balance of self-deprecation. Look on it as Spitting Image meets Rory Bremner meets Miranda (the actors play to camera in one sketch per show).

Contact me if you want to know more. This would be UK based comedy sketch show with a formula that has great replication potential abroad.

Had a couple of interests in this idea.

I wonder how far comedy poking fun at "celebrities" can go, I am interested in the boundaries!

Here's one idea:

The scene, 11 Downing Street, the Chancellor behind a what appears to be a party political broadcast to the nation. At first all is normal, pay your taxes, making Britain great again etc etc. As the camera pans in slowly, the rhetoric gets more fantastical, bizarre, outrageous.. Yeah man, the facial expressions more orgasmic as you realise he's obviously taking a blow job under the desk. At the point of orgasm, everything returns to normal speech, the camera pans back, the broadcast ends. Then you see the blow job giver get up and walk over .., Vodaphone CEO, Amazon CEO... You get the picture.

This scenario could encompass any number of topical "participants" - The President & First Lady, Dave&Sam, Dubya & Ton B, Dubya and his pooch (perhaps not !!!).

If you get it, lets talk.

If is the operative word here.

I'm all for post watersehed capers with a political bent and it sounds like the ideal platform for my sketch 'Wet Knees in Whitehall'

To date the sketch which was described as 'Disturbing' by Private Eye and 'The work of a deranged mind' by the Daily Mail is an insight into anal fisting of Tory backbenchers and oral lobbying that transpires in the commons toilets.

I was going to bin it if it wasn't for the review I got in the Brighton Argus 'Sounds familiar and funny'

Let me know where to send it and I'll attach my other controversial sketch 'Why Rory Bremmer is a a bigger twat than Jeremy Clarkson' it's a self explanatory piece that contains dead Meeerkats and one person is scorched with hair straighteners on purpose it is not for the weak stomached reader!

The next generation of comedy needs to send up the current mob who seem intent on hogging the limelight. Drawing a line between each comedian currently in the British scene, to represent a connection, would result in a stain so black, Stevey Hawking could claim to have found a blackhole, so dense that not only would light fail to escape, money and tax avoidance scams in there could threaten to collapse the known universe into a laugh the size of a quark.

The omnipresent incestuous gang bangers that inhabit 75% of living rooms, 75% of the time (not including Dave, Dave HD, Dave +1, Dave Sucks, and Dave Sucks +1) are not content with spouting their tireless witty repartree on the sheep nation, but are universally now turning up in every film, cartoon, TV ad, radio ad and talking book known to the itunes civilisation. If an alien species took a look at the Earth from a distant galaxy they would be forced to conclude that comedic prostitution was the main activity on Planet Stephen Fry. Has said Fry chappie every cadged a hansom cab from Arnold Clarksville into town???!!!

And I thought I was f**ked up!

Quote: Mike Allan @ June 8 2013, 5:33 PM BST

I think there's a gap in the market for biting political and social satire


Name one comedy show on TV today that isn't so nod nod wink wink namby pamby cock sucking to the rich and famous? And so up its own arse, the participants are wanking each other off under the counters

In comedy land, the keys in the dish aren't for wife swapping, their for who's collaborating with who next.

So where are all the script writers and ghost writers for these so called witty talents?? Perhaps there's a secret call centre in Mumbai, you can call them in the afternoon and by the next morning the arena tour, the DVD and the witty book are all ready to go. The anti-establishment has become the bricks and mortar of global english speaking light entertainment.

So it's not so much "there's a gap in the market - bless" but what the f**k are you doing about it, my long haired girlfriend.

News just in - under the latest UN Security Council Resolution 5H1T, this forum by Mike Allan has been declared a tosser-free zone, all transgressors will suffer rendition to the audience of HIGNFY for a minimum 20 year sentence. Mike Allan himself has been declared a danger to the British Comedic Establishment and was last seen entering a jihadist comedy-writers training camp outside of Mogadishu. He will henceforth be known as Al-Miki, the chosen one.

Any cartoonist-animators out there, interested in booking their day in defamation court, if so contact me!!

Lad I think your better off with the Al Quieda as they would at least get you into a video and I'm sure you'll be hilarious.
The only advice I can offer is that when you do the video, please don't laugh at your own jokes as it is extremely unprofessional watching a a comedian literally laughing his head off.

Thanks for that constructive advice. As I only write and don't perform, please don't lose any sleep worrying!

Tosser alert, tosser alert!

Constructive advice! Lad I wouldn't give you a f**king Lego block in case you choked on it.
F**kwit aleart

Obviously doesn't laugh at his own jokes, probably not funny enough. Should have grown up to be a heckler not a writer. :) I'm sure I was a youthful sheep shagger when he was just a rotten egg in his mothers uterus.

Mike lets get down to the nub of the problem eh.
I entered into the spirit of things by posting an insight into a pretty adult sketch I have on file and agreed in principal that your notion was a good one.

Then I realised that you're the only one on this site that is even angrier than me (Kudos for that)

But as far stick goes I was having a chuckle with you not at you, then you entered into hyperbole supercilious mode, which is the default setting for a crashing bore.
Sadly as the posts unfolded it also became apparent that you couldn't write funny even with a broken pen.
Finishing off with a personal insult is fine by me, but couldn't you have at least Googled a funny one?.

Touche. I wouldn't say angry, but I have an unparalleled ability to scythe the legs off peoples egos... at 100 paces. I should probably have taken that job offer as an anti-capitalist propagandist in North Korea. But then I don't believe in eating domestic pets.

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