Hi im fairly new to writing sketches as I write more stand up but ive had a eough idea for a sketch butsone mates think it would be crap and some mates think it could be funny...and I think maybee ive subliminaly seen something like this before somewhere else???? Anyway heres the idea....its not really scripted...like I said just an idea atm.
Two men go running down the corridor,run upto a woman and ask 'whats happend? Is dave ok?'. The woman replies 'yeah hes going to ne absolutely fine he just had a bump to the head.' One of the men says 'well at least hes ok, can we go in to see him?.the woman then replys 'yes you can but they gave him some medication and he won't come round for about another then minutes' one of the the men replies 'cool we can be there for when we wakes up'.
Next scene. ..the two men in a hospital room waiting for there friend to come around from the medication/bump to the head.
The friend slowly wakes up confused and in a daze, looks at his mates and asks 'whats going on?'.
One of the friends then replys 'mate I don't wanna worry you and don't pacic....but its 2018 dude, youve been in a coma for five years..