Apparently she's doing quite well in the States.
But check out this quote:
Just look at the number of identikit, big-haired, middle class white boys wearing skinny jeans on your TV screens, and yet I was once told by a BBC executive that they couldn't do a show I had proposed because they were working on a show with Stephen K Amos... because obviously we are all the same, and they can't have two black comedians with their own shows on TV in the same decade. Just horrific.
Now, if the BBC had told her to f**k off because she isn't funny, I could understand. I'd understand a lot. I may even write to Points Of View to thank them for looking after my license fee.
But to tell her to f**k off because they're working on a show with another black comedian?
Could this be true at the right-on Beeb? If so, it's utterly outrageous!
Does this rule apply to all regional/ethnic types?
Could it explain why Kevin Bridges started getting a tonne of work at about the same time Frankie Boyle disappeared from our screens?