Hi, aduce me to introlow myself. I'm from Bauntal near Kassel, Germany and am a fan of British comedy as well as British society and culture in general.
I mostly watch British sitcoms and films on DVD or via internet, as there is still noch much British comedy on German television (most foreign series shown here are from the USA), and when there is some, the dubbig is often terrible, which is why I prefer watching it it English. There are still not so many people here in Germany who know British comedy apart from the usual things everyone knows, like Mr Bean and Monty Python, but there is a small but enthusiatic fanbase here and I think we Germans quite appreciate your kind of humour. oncernig our own kind of humour, I think we Germans can be pretty funny (my nick is meant as a joke of course), but the German TV channels still don't produce much good comedy in terms of numbers as well as quality, as they focus way too much on producing series cheaply, while the British put much more effort in their productions and have so many brilliant actors and writers that it's quite amazing from a German point of view.
OK, I think that's enough for now, I wish you a nice day and hope to have much fun here.