Tuesday 30th April 2013 11:32am
Royal Berkshire
69,970 posts
Quote: Tokyo Nambu @ April 30 2013, 9:28 AM BST
The Guardian gets upset that it's pre-Office. If that means "funny" rather than "sneery and uncomfortable". then I'm all for it.
Quote: Tokyo Nambu @ April 30 2013, 9:28 AM BST
One of the pieces of received wisdom that has to be challenged is that The Office is the highpoint of comedy of the past twenty years, and after it, everything changes, rather like the aftermath of a large meteor hitting Mexico and killing the dinosaurs. Hence the endless parade of workplace-set, laugh-free, shaky camera pseudo-docs. The more advanced version of this conceit is that in fact the KT boundary of comedy is Curb Your Enthusiasm, a claim undermined by the fact that approximately no-one actually watches it, whereas the Office was at least somewhat popular.
There's nothing wrong with laugh-out-loud studio-based comedy. When it's done well, as I think Vicious is, then it's funny. It's entertaining. It passes half an hour.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 30 2013, 12:06 PM BST
I doubt actors of the calibre of the two leads would commit to a TV sitcom if they thought it was lacking.
Indeed not. They took quite some convincing, I understand - and let us not forget that they have been booked again for an expected Series 2 commission, so presumably were anything but unhappy with the completed scripts.