Thursday 4th April 2013 1:07pm [Edited]
9,148 posts
That made me f**king hoot.
OK it's a spin on Mystery Science Theatre 3000 - but I could watch these all day.
The 'Director' sounds like John Lloyd, oddly enough.
Would make great (cheap) bumper material for one of the more niche film channels.
Ever thought of punting them in that direction?
EDIT: Having re-watched (told you I liked it!) I think Soot is right, the ending is weak.
These are so close to being brilliant that you should be even stricter with yourselves - make every joke count. A little bit of the 'Spielberg you little shit" is OK, but once you lose the link with the visuals - where the comments are brought to life by the film and vice-versa, you lose your point of difference - it's just about a mad old luvvie, which is not so fresh. The haircut joke, for instance is perfect...