Wednesday 10th April 2013 1:12pm
4,491 posts
I remember when I could disappear for hours at a time on my bike and no-one needed worry. I remember being able to sit a draw and make up my own games without the need to be entertained every five minutes at vast expense. I didn't need much from my parents I was able to keep myself amused.
One thing I know for a fact is that I was a darn sight happier before I had a computer and the Internet. The latter actually pays my salary (in a non-porn related way) but I fear it will be the death of me one way or another.
Technology snobs do my head in as do those people who subtley grind you down by constantly talking about the great things they have, the great things they've done while showing literally no interest in anyone else (unless what they do is linked with something great that they have or have done).
And while I'm in rant mode here's some more off topic stuff...
People who accuse you of 'probably' going to do something at some distant point in the future. That thing (that hasn't happened) is going upset someone and use that possibility as the basis of a lecture.
People who don't believe you have the right to feel upset by treatment dished out by them even though if it's them who break a promise.
Maybe we are crap, maybe we only have ourselves to blame for not having the trappings of success but don't belittle us or treat us like we're nobodies.
Here endeth the rant.