Teddy Paddalack
Thursday 4th April 2013 3:15pm [Edited]
4,514 posts
Sidney I admire your approach and the degree of maturity you have shown on this issue.
But for me the point is that this site is one a very few sites that I know of that offers critique from fellow writers.
Obviously new posters can get panned and in the panning they may learn a few things that will stand them in good stead.
But lets not kid ourselves what was done was for Sooty's benefit as he often attempts to elevate his own status by ripping newbies to shreds.
Some may learn whilst others may never post again but that's my point.
Unknown and new writers have it hard enough as it is so having someone waiting in the wings to rubbish a post without quantifying it.
I don't care if people don't like what goes up but the entire point of the section is to explain why their stuff is being pulled down.
It is not here to act as bait to attract new writers so that Sooty can bully them off their hobby, its pathetic and should be stopped by people making a stand not excuses!