British Comedy Guide

Sitcom Writing Course, Manchester

Hi Guys,

Some of you might be interested to know that David Isaac (Lunch Monkeys BBC3, Not Going Out BBC1, Life of Riley BBC1, Scallywagga BBC3) Is running a course called 'Writing and Selling TV Comedy' close to Manchester's Oxford Road Train Station.

The course is being run in conjunction with Cofilmic and is a great opportunity to get a 30 minute script finished with feedback and to make some industry contacts.

Here's a link to a PDF with more info...

Hi, maybe I'm being really stupid but I don't seem to see when the course is being held

Quote: Davey Jay @ March 15 2013, 10:39 AM GMT

Hi, maybe I'm being really stupid but I don't seem to see when the course is being held

Manchester. You're welcome.

looks awesome

In a railway station.

Quote: Davey Jay @ March 15 2013, 10:39 AM GMT

Hi, maybe I'm being really stupid but I don't seem to see when the course is being held

Venue: Holiday Inn Express, Oxford Road, Manchester (opposite old BBC building)

Yes yes but when

I'm no expert but I think he asked WHEN not WHERE.

And please don't say 2pm

Quote: Davey Jay @ March 15 2013, 12:04 PM GMT

Yes yes but when

Next course starts 6th April - though I had to Google & search their website to find this.
If their comedy skills are anything like their communication skills , you might want to give it a miss!

Haha yeah, should be the first thing they mention :D

This all seems very dry. "How to write jokes", "Story arcs and beats", "Hearing your words brought to life."

Of course, sitcom writing's hard to teach, but this doesn't sound very promising.

Get a half hour script written? How hard is it to write half an hour? Perfected they probably mean.

I'd recommend Chris Heads sitcom writing course. I did it last year and found it very good and it's based in central London over 4 evenings. It gave me a good insight into how sitcoms are structured and how to develop characters/ stories and we all ended up with the '1st act' of a sitcom.

I'm pretty sure that he also does an online version of the course as well now so it may be worth checking this out as an option.

Quote: PurpleRonnie @ March 15 2013, 12:05 PM GMT

I'm no expert but I think he asked WHEN not WHERE.

>_< Doh! Where are my glasses?

Thanks for the tip Jason, I'll look into it

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