British Comedy Guide

Watch with Mother

This would have to be an animation I suppose but it was written as a radio sketch.


This is a box, a musical box. Wound up and ready to play. But this box can hide a secret inside. Can you guess what is in it today?

GRAMS__________________________CAMBERWICK GREEN THEME

Who is this children? Why it’s George Bush, the Mayor of the World. Hello George! Look he’s waving. Doesn’t he look ever so funny with his silly vacant stare and blank expression?

Ah! Here comes his friend Gordon. Hello Gordon! Gordon doesn’t look very happy, does he? He’s talking to George - but oh dear! Now George doesn’t look terribly happy either. See George hitting Gordon. Gordon's been naughty.

What’s that Gerorge? You’re getting fed up with suggestions that Gordon's simply just your poodle and that he'll do anything you ask? And you don't like the fact that most right thinking people think that you are a silly pillock?

Gordon is shaking his head. He's denying the allegations.

George is waving his fist at Gordon. Gordon is looking frightened. I don’t think he’s happy that George is upset. He's signing a piece of paper that agrees to do whatever George tells him to do. I don't think we were meant to see that. Can you keep a secret children?

Here come Gordon's chums can you remember their names? Hoon, Brown, Hilary Benn, Miliband, Blears and Straw. Look they're all bigging George up and slapping his back. That's called toeing the party line line.

Now Gordon is getting down and all fours behind George. He’s looks like he’s licking George's bum. That's better George is looking happy now. He’s waving at us. Gordon is looking shifty. He's putting on sack cloth and ashes. Well he is a Presbyterian.

But it's time to go so let’s leave them all to cook up their secret deals. Goodbye George! Goodbye Gordon!

GRAMS__________________________________CAMBERWICK GREEN THEME


I'm sorry Blenkinsop but you appear to have copied the front page news story verbatim from tuesdays Dail Mail

Quote: Rob B @ February 8, 2008, 9:22 AM

I'm sorry Blenkinsop but you appear to have copied the front page news story verbatim from tuesdays Dail Mail

Hey! Where I get my source material from is my business! And I'll have you know the Daily Mail is a marvellous paper. I'm delighted to have my work associated with it.

Didn't really see the point of this beyond airing some political grievances

I thought it was good. Make me chuckle.

Problem as I see it is that it's inaccurate. Blair was known as Bush's poodle, but Brown really isn't. In fact, he got some criticism a few months for perhaps being overly frosty towards Bush.

And with the US elections rumbling on, Bush sketches now have a very limited shelf life.

Mm... this seems more like a transcript from a reasonably-funny episode of "Whose Line", where the contestants have been told to talk about politics in a kids' TV programme. As a crafted standalone sketch, however, it seemed to lack bite to me. It needs more jokes/parallels IMO.

Funnily enough (or not) this was written for something else with a totally different subject matter.

I liked the idea of the use of the Camberwick Green musical box and I was probably inspired by the use of the same on an episode of Life on Mars.

The original sketch was a lot funnier as it had a very specific target (too parochial on this forum) but I thought I'd crowbar in the essence of it and adapt it to Anglo-American relations.

I do concede that perhaps it would have been more appropriate 3-4 years ago during the Blair years and that it misses its mark in this format.

As a device for comedy it still has potential, imo, for development and I may return to it again with a fresh approach.

Thanks for taking the time and leaving the comments anyhoo folks.

What was the original sketch about Blenkinsop if you dont mind me asking?

I was/still am a fan of 70's childrens shows and as someone once said to me Brian Cant but James Caan.

I enjoyed this Blenk. As you know I am a fan!
I read it as a sketch & not a political point of view. I re read it with that in mind & I still see it as a sketch that will cause a point of view. That is never a bad thing.

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