British Comedy Guide

Derek - Series 1 Page 24

The final episode was another example of Gervais's special brand of supermarket, pseudo-philosophy mixed in with a very predictable plot. Gervais's Derek seems to glide in and out of retardation whenever the plot demands it, a wholly unconvincing character.
This was by far the worst episode, following on from what have been 2 relatively good ones.

Quote: PurpleRonnie @ March 7 2013, 3:22 PM GMT

We could go on and on with this debate my point simply was: IF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT, WATCH SOMETHING ELSE.

Does that also apply to this thread?

Isn't the point of discussing something that you watched and felt strongly enough about to take the time and log onto a website with a section dedicated to it, enough to send the debate in both directions?

It's good in this sense to dissect every aspect of what worked and what didn't. If this was never done, TV would be a whole lot blander. Take the majority of ITV's output. Most of their shows are the same show, distinguishable by title only and that's because the majority of ITV viewers don't care. They are happy to watch hours and hours of Ant and Dec or some Simon Cowell show because it doesn't matter to them.

We all have a specific interest in comedy and some can say it's their passion. So when we see something, it's in our interest to study it and inspect every aspect. Most of us are writers too, so by doing this dissection, it's also a great learning tool too.

I'm really surprised it's new to you that if you make a point on the internet, you will probably start a debate about it.

Office-Extras-Life's Too Short-Derek-???

If this was an IQ test I'd say a remake of Glen or Glenda is next, such is the staggering rate of decline.

I wasn't overly keen on Life's Too Short, and Derek has merely been okay with moments of goodness (for me). But over the last few years he's also been responsible for Cemetery Junction, the Podcast shows and An Idiot Abroad, all of which I think are brilliant.

Whatever happened to the care home being shut down? I thought that was going to be the series arc but it was completely forgotten about after episode one.

Just over two years ago, Gervais had a very different opinion about the 'Dereks' of this world....

Quote: PurpleRonnie @ March 7 2013, 3:22 PM GMT

No I came to read the comments of people and discovered a lot of them were just inane jealous tripe.

We could go on and on with this debate my point simply was: IF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT, WATCH SOMETHING ELSE.

I'll leave you with this and no one can argue - 'I am overwhelmed with how poignant, funny and moving #Derek is'. Melanie Sykes (Des & Mel, Boddingtons advert) Twitter 7th March 2013.

So, this forum should be some kind of 'circle jerk' where we all gush over how great something is? Because of Gervais's past achievements I am interested in his work so I watch it and in my opinion it is poor.

No TBone I was just suggesting that if someone watches something that they don't like for six episodes then they only have themselves to blame. Don't blame Gervais he didn't write it for everyone.

Quote: Jinky @ March 7 2013, 7:27 PM GMT

Just over two years ago, Gervais had a very different opinion about the 'Dereks' of this world....

Yep! Gervais is the proverbial c**t of comedy.

Is there another series? I loved the first series.

Quote: Nigel Ball @ March 7 2013, 9:23 PM GMT

Yep! Gervais is the proverbial c**t of comedy.

Well, it's interesting to watch Derek (two syllables, rhymes with 'spastic') from a 'deconstructionist' viewpoint.

If we take Jacques Derrida's advice, and watch it without any outside knowledge, then it's a comedy-drama with no coherent plot or characterisation. A bit like Ken Loach/Mike Leigh but without the laughs.

If we watch it knowing Ricky Gervais's history, then it's the most cynical thing ever made. The Ted Baker wearing, Ray-Banned, cackled laughing 'I invented atheism' comedy writer who thinks deafening people with Coldplay makes him Woody Allen....who spent all of 2005-2011 laughing at 'mongs' but who thinks a bit of sad piano over a first draft of himself failing to stay in character for 60 seconds will get him a few more BAFTAs as a serious writer.

Dear oh dear. He hates his audience far too much to make anything decent nowadays.

(Can't see this making the next BCG newsletter.)

I'm sure you're writing something that will be on air soon then yeah? What's that? No you're not. Why's that? Oh right yeah because you spend your time on here slagging everyone else off and cry wanking at your own failure.

I watched one ep of Miranda and f*cking hated it, I didn't continue to watch it and then take to a forum to express how shit I thought it was.

Now go and write something get it produced and we can all judge your effort can't we.

Everyone's a f*cking critic!

Ricky's not your friend, you know.

Even if you both use Twitter.

Did I say he was?

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