British Comedy Guide

Derek - Series 1 Page 21

Quote: chipolata @ March 6 2013, 6:20 PM GMT

I'm holding you, zooo, personally

Good grief!

I have immensely enjoyed this series. It took me about 2 or 3 weeks to get into it but nevertheless it's been very good and I cannot wait for Series 2!

By the end of the series this programme had grown on me so much I didn't even mind the Coldplay. Brilliant.

I thought it was manipulative and lacking true substance. This episode was half an hour of trite, unearned sentimentality. No plot to speak of and badly written, cliched dialogue. The worst bit of dialogue came from Kev this week: "I'm not a failure because I didn't succeed, I'm a failure because I didn't try" Every primary school kid knows that one, it's been used in more films and TV shows than I've had hot dinners and was portrayed as a profound reflection. Last week's episode gave me some hope that it may improve and grow into a decent comedy drama. This week it reverted back to the same crap that marred the other episodes. F**k off Gervais, you've created nothing but shite for years.

Right - just watched this for the first time and I can't be arsed to read 300 odd comments.

Basically this is NOT a comedy. It is a very good well acted and observed drama. How it got labelled a comedy I don't know.

I'm probably not the first to say this here.

And I've finally realised how good an actor Karl Pillington is.

Quote: Chappers @ March 6 2013, 11:49 PM GMT

Right - just watched this for the first time and I can't be arsed to read 300 odd comments.

Basically this is NOT a comedy. It is a very good well acted and observed drama. How it got labelled a comedy I don't know.

I'm probably not the first to say this here.

And I've finally realised how good an actor Karl Pillington is.

It is definitely not a sitcom but it is not an out and out drama either, some of the lines and situations are there purely for laughs, therefore I think it's intended as a comedy drama. I think it fails on both counts, not funny and not dramatic or engaging.

Quote: TBone @ March 6 2013, 11:40 PM GMT

I thought it was manipulative and lacking true substance. This episode was half an hour of trite, unearned sentimentality. No plot to speak of and badly written, cliched dialogue. The worst bit of dialogue came from Kev this week: "I'm not a failure because I didn't succeed, I'm a failure because I didn't try" Every primary school kid knows that one, it's been used in more films and TV shows than I've had hot dinners and was portrayed as a profound reflection. Last week's episode gave me some hope that it may improve and grow into a decent comedy drama. This week it reverted back to the same crap that marred the other episodes. F**k off Gervais, you've created nothing but shite for years.

This! This! A thousand times this!

Quote: TBone @ March 6 2013, 11:40 PM GMT

I thought it was manipulative and lacking true substance. This episode was half an hour of trite, unearned sentimentality. No plot to speak of and badly written, cliched dialogue. The worst bit of dialogue came from Kev this week: "I'm not a failure because I didn't succeed, I'm a failure because I didn't try" Every primary school kid knows that one, it's been used in more films and TV shows than I've had hot dinners and was portrayed as a profound reflection. Last week's episode gave me some hope that it may improve and grow into a decent comedy drama. This week it reverted back to the same crap that marred the other episodes. F**k off Gervais, you've created nothing but shite for years.

No way are the podcasts, with or without animation, "shite".

Besides that, with the exception of a few scenes (Liam Neeson!), perhaps.

Quote: TBone @ March 6 2013, 11:40 PM GMT

F**k off Gervais, you've created nothing but shite for years.

Then give yourself a break and stop watcing his new stuff??

It's not a comedy and it's not a drama. I assume it's a cookery programme.

A weird show. It was hideously manipulative and didn't earn its dramatic moments...and yet, I kept watching and was never bored. And it's fascinating to see Ricky Gervais just mainline pure, uncut, mawkish sentiment. He's become the British Robin Williams.

As much as I am a fan, the ending was bad. I think we were supposed to cry when he ran to his father whereas it just felt too corny.

If he had known he would get a re-commission he should have just driven by, leaving his father walking down the road. That would have been more poignant.

But the whole thrust of the series seems to have been that Derek is almost an angel. A force of pure goodness that puts us all to shame. An angel wouldn't have driven by.

Absolutely right TBone he has created shite for years, The Office and Extras were utter shite. Tell me what have you created recently?

"A prayer is just a posh moan"

The only funny bit I remember in it. Still quite liked it though, if you can ignore the cringy bits.

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