British Comedy Guide

Sex Education

There's still all this talk about teenage pregnancies. We've got the worst record in Europe apparently.

I know the solution.

We should send Charley round all the schools in England (yes - I do realise the danger) and she could tell everyone about what happened to her.

"Look - these used to be quite pert" and "since I gave birth they've dragged on the ground".

I'm sure it's guarnteed to put 9 out of 10 kids off.


Although could they be "quite pert" at 15?

Quote: Aaron @ February 7, 2008, 8:22 AM


Although could they be "quite pert" at 15?

Um - no idea.

Well not Charley's anyway.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Aaron @ February 7, 2008, 8:22 AM

Although could they be "quite pert" at 15?

Good question. I'll google it *remembers IT Crowd*

'Don't google the question Mozz!'

Best no then

I heard of a Girl being up the duff at 12.

Quote: jake how @ February 7, 2008, 11:01 AM

I heard of a Girl being up the duff at 12.

Been up to your old tricks again?

Quote: jake how @ February 7, 2008, 11:01 AM

I heard of a Girl being up the duff at 12.

It's a wonder they aren't born pregnant like aphids.

I remember my sex education at school...we learnt how to put a condom on a carrot... in all my time I have never had to do that again...

Quote: jake how @ February 7, 2008, 11:01 AM

I heard of a Girl being up the duff at 12.

I heard one girl gave birth to twins and one was pregnant !

Quote: EllieJP @ February 7, 2008, 12:25 PM

I remember my sex education at school...we learnt how to put a condom on a carrot... in all my time I have never had to do that again...

Yeah, you slaaaaaaaag!

Quote: EllieJP @ February 7, 2008, 12:25 PM

I remember my sex education at school...we learnt how to put a condom on a carrot... in all my time I have never had to do that again...

Bet that put a smile on Jasper's face Laughing out loud

Quote: David Chapman @ February 7, 2008, 8:16 AM

There's still all this talk about teenage pregnancies. We've got the worst record in Europe apparently.

I know the solution.

We should send Charley round all the schools in England (yes - I do realise the danger) and she could tell everyone about what happened to her.

You want me to stand in assembley & talk in graphic detail,to young kids, about how I got a bun in the oven.

Okay. Count me in. Can I have a projecter & can I start with play schools?

Quote: EllieJP @ February 7, 2008, 12:25 PM

I remember my sex education at school...we learnt how to put a condom on a carrot...

Did you make use of the carrot?

I had my sex education when I was 4 months pregnant.
I was shocked. I thought they cut the baby out of my leg.

Quote: jake how @ February 7, 2008, 11:01 AM

I heard of a Girl being up the duff at 12.

Quote: sootyj @ February 7, 2008, 12:35 PM

I heard one girl gave birth to twins and one was pregnant !

I heard of an embryo that got itself pregnant.
What a slag!

Quote: EllieJP @ February 7, 2008, 12:25 PM

I remember my sex education at school...we learnt how to put a condom on a carrot... in all my time I have never had to do that again...

Where I come from that's fore-play.

Quote: roscoff @ February 7, 2008, 3:31 PM

Where I come from that's fore-play.

'round here it's unhooking bras from cabbages.

I got thrown out of sex education classes for covering someone in spermicide. As a result I still don't know what's supposedly hidden under girls clothes...

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