David Smith
Sunday 24th March 2013 4:54pm [Edited]
2,527 posts
Done it David 
This is there response
Dear BBC Worldwide Consumer Products visitor,
This is an automated response from DVDenquiryline@bbc.com Please do not reply to this message.
Thank you for your interest in our DVDs.
Please read the following information carefully. We are a DVD distribution company, which releases a number of both BBC and independent DVDs each year. If your enquiry relates to a potential DVD release, we will aim to respond to you within 5 working days.
Please note, if your enquiry pertains to any of the following areas, please be aware that we will not respond to your e-mail.
If you want to bring the power of BBC content to your next lecture, workshop, training session, festival screening, or exhibition, please contact BBC active at bbcactive.bbcstudies@pearson.com Please be aware we are only able to supply BBC programmes for institutional use and cannot sell to members of the general public.
Prices for non-theatric licenses start at £195 per episode (plus P&P and VAT). Discounts for multiple purchases are available. Further details of terms and conditions are available on our website.
We do not sell clips of BBC programmes here. In order to purchase clipped footage, please contact BBC Motion Gallery (www.bbcmotiongallery.com) by e-mail to motiongallery.uk@bbc.com or on 020 8433 2861.
If you have contributed to a BBC programme and would like to obtain a copy on DVD, please visit the following link for more information http://faq.external.bbc.co.uk/questions/television/tv_appearance
To use BBC programmes for entertainment purposes, in environments such as airplanes, trains, buses, ships and hospitals, please contact bbcww.inflight@bbc.com
Finally, the DVD Enquiry Line does not handle enquiries for licensing of radio material. If you would like to find out more about purchasing radio content, please e-mail susan.hayman@bbc.co.uk (for entire programmes) or motiongallery.uk@bbc.com (for clips and extracts). Please note, we are also unable to provide you with information about BBC TV schedules.
BBC Worldwide Consumer Products DVD Enquiry Team