I read it and have to agree it was erudite more than anything else. When you get into her style of writing, you understand there isn't much at all that's meant personally, it's more done with the cold presicion of an 'expert witness' as she must see herself. It's a style of history writing that's in vogue at the mo and there are a lot of woman at it. Her's was a bit haughty in style maybe but it's very readable too.
The Mail should be ashamed of their blatant contortion of what she said. There's no 'why she said it' in their piece because they left all the context out. Pretty disgusting that such bad journalism designed to totally twist what was said to fit their agenda is allowed to be published in the first place, but that's our untouchable free press law for you. Hearing it all over the news I thought there must be more personal venom in it, but reading it in whole, there really wasn't.
I'm still of the mind she knew she'd generate great publicity for herself by leaving these passages in tho. You could say it's brave, you could also say it's very smart from a business point of view. Personally I think she's being just as sharp as the tabloids are.