British Comedy Guide

Derek - Series 1 Page 16

OK you've convinced me now, I'm giving this a watch!

Do I like Gervais? No, only because he comes over (and I believe him to be) a bully - for example Xfm and his Twitter feed.

Do I believe that makes a difference if produces good or bad art? Of course not.

However, his stand-up, his films and the previous TV shows I've seen him make have all been the same style of joke, playing an character subversive from normal etiquette, narcissistic and selfish.

If he is doing something genuinely different from this at least I'd actually find it interesting...

To 4OD!

Just watched the first episode.

Absolutely no subtlety, it's a soapbox for Ricky Gervais. Very cheap sex jokes and standard Karl bullying.

As a programme it was OK... but I think I'll leave it with episode one.

Loved the last line.

I really enjoyed tonight's episode , there was some very funny moments. Overall a good 30 minute slice of comedy-drama. Keep it up, Gervais!

Dougie writing rude words on crabs was funny

Actually I'd be happy to have a 24/7 cable channel dedicated to that with Derek chasing after the crabs and Prodigy playing in the background.

All that Derek wrestling and not knowing his own strength makes me suspect there may be an 'Of Mice and Men' ending to this series.

I'd love to know how many characters Gervais has written now who appear completely oblivious to the crass and/or insensitive things they say. This week it was the business woman, last week it was the ring woman. That said, the show does have a weirdly comforting muzak feel. I know it's not great but I still watch.

Quote: sootyj @ February 20 2013, 10:49 PM GMT

Dougie writing rude words on crabs was funny

Actually I'd be happy to have a 24/7 cable channel dedicated to that with Derek chasing after the crabs and Prodigy playing in the background.

All that Derek wrestling and not knowing his own strength makes me suspect there may be an 'Of Mice and Men' ending to this series.

It was Kev, not Dougie, who wrote on the crabs.

Does it even matter?

Watched 10 minutes of this and I'm afraid I just didn't get it.

Last night's episode was a big let down after last week.

There's absolutely no subtlety. Hannah is really sweet and loves old people. How do they convey that to the audience? By playing Coldplay over her being sweet with old people.

Hannah is really down to earth and gave up success to care for people so they bring in one of her old school mates who is cartoonishly horrible so we can see that success doesn't mean everything.

It works on some kind of surreal art house level. Not very enjoyable or funny but somehow strangely captivating.

A bit like a technicolour turd.

He should start writing for panto, his villains are that overblown.
The old school-friend in the crab episode was as subtle as a flying mallet.
And when not writing for panto, he should knock out a few commercials employing the "whack a moody track over soft focus visuals" technique he uses to such stunning effect.

It's a mess.

Quote: Lazzard @ February 27 2013, 2:10 PM GMT

He should start writing for panto, his villains are that overblown.
The old school-friend in the crab episode was as subtle as a flying mallet.
And when not writing for panto, he should knock out a few commercials employing the "whack a moody track over soft focus visuals" technique he uses to such stunning effect.

It's a mess.

Glad to see it isn't just me that thinks it's a load of old hat tripe!

Someone asked him on Twitter why he was using the lame Coldplay background music, and he answered something like 'don't you think that's what a documentary would do?'

Quote: zooo @ February 27 2013, 2:22 PM GMT

'don't you think that's what a documentary would do?'

That doesn't really bear close scrutiny does it?
So, he's taking the piss out of documentaries, is he?
Is he sure about that?

F**k knows, ask him.

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