Tuesday 12th February 2013 10:37am
862 posts
Quote: amarsandhu @ February 12 2013, 8:22 AM GMT
I always try to put my best jokes at the top (in case the readers attention tails off at the bottom after reading so many!)
Do this. They mentioned in previous Q&As chose the jokes you think are best and put them at the top. Having had to read a lot of one-liners for other shows believe me you want them to read your best ones when they're still fresh.
Of course you'll still need to separate them into 'Intro', 'Apps' & 'Corrections' so won't quite be perfect.
Quote: Jason Simmons @ February 12 2013, 8:35 AM GMT
Just a quickie. How would you set out the corrections for the first show of the series? It might seem like a stupid question but, I thought they usually start with something like: last week we said...
As Badge said you can use 'Previously' or 'Earlier'. For example;
'Earlier we said that .... What we should have said was ...'
Quote: Nil Putters @ February 12 2013, 9:56 AM GMT
Bollocks, sent the wrong document.
Had to send again, but I don't know if they'll accept it now. 
Don't worry too much about it too much if you said the first one was a mistake in your second e-mail they'll just look at the second one.
They can be a bit flexible for a genuine error. But if all 600 people started sending things in the wrong format, sent things twice etc. I imagine they'd get pretty annoyed pretty quickly.