British Comedy Guide

Derek - Series 1 Page 7

Quote: MCharsley @ February 3 2013, 9:22 PM GMT

He has described Derek as "Christ-like" in an interview, which is as good an indication as any so far that he's completely lost his mind.

Which should actually add acting pathos to his character. Sadly not. If this was Daniel Day-Lewis he would have lobotomised himself just to get the part. What a trooper!

Maybe, as an avowed atheist, Gervais just meant that Derek is also fictional? ;)

Quote: radiat10n @ February 4 2013, 1:40 PM GMT

Maybe, as an avowed atheist, Gervais just meant that Derek is also fictional? ;)

It's the notion of God that atheists dispute, not the existence of a man we now call Jesus, so he'd be showing his own ignorance if so.

I didn't hate Life's Too Short as much as most seemed to. It wasn't great, but had some great lines/scenes (Liam Neeson might have been Gervais's best-ever scene IMHO).

This doesn't work at all though.

I love Karl, but it's often Gervais's abuse and howls of laughter which add so much to his nonsense. So I find his Derek and Idiot Abroad incarnations less enjoyable.

Ricky's character is awful in this. He's too famous to be believeable, and doesn't have the acting skills to overcome it.

Quote: SimonWing @ February 4 2013, 3:13 PM GMT

x(Liam Neeson might have been Gervais's best-ever scene IMHO).

The Liam Neeson scene is the little sibling of the Patrick Stewart scene from Extras. Highly thought of and serious actor unmasks himself as a nutter.

Anyway, I haven't watched Derek yet but the more posts I read in this thread the more curious I get.

Patrick Stewart scene is class in a glass.

It is. And when I was a little boy I would have loved the idea of making women naked just by psychic power.

The deeper bits were done far better than the comedy elements.

It's obviously a swipe at "if it can't be measured it can't be managed" bureaucratic middle-management types. Championing the people with genuine handy skills and common sense, ahead of the box-ticking, hoop-jumping bullshitters. In fact, Karl did quite well at the end of the episode with his little speech.

This would have been better if they didn't even bother branding it comedy drama, and made it just a light drama. Drop the alcoholic guy, and have Gervais tone-down massively on the gurning, hair-plastering and other over-done actions.

It could have worked a lot better if Ricky had toned down Derek. Would have preferred Ricky to don some prosthetics to make him look like one of the OAPs in the home and still be a whacky character, kinda like the guy from Waiting for God but with more of Gervais empathy that he achieved quite well with Brent and at times Andy.

How bad was that ending???

A real shocker....

Was a strange ending, not sure whether I liked it or not.

As for the rest - it's weird, I can see that he's over egging the 'touching' scenes, but they still work (for me). I even had a mild case of wet eye.

That was just shit

Pretty inspired and effective use of Radiohead's Bones, though.

I thought it was Suede, ruined the one good bit.

Quote: zooo @ February 6 2013, 10:35 PM GMT

Was a strange ending, not sure whether I liked it or not.

As for the rest - it's weird, I can see that he's over egging the 'touching' scenes, but they still work (for me). I even had a mild case of wet eye.

If that's not a post that's going to be 'edited' I don't know what is! And I mention no Soot... I mention nobody in particular

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