Auld Bhoy
Wednesday 21st November 2012 4:31pm [Edited]
2,388 posts
Quote: Vince Ives @ November 21 2012, 1:17 PM GMT
Season 9 has been really strong so far, I'm surprised by how much I want Andy to die on that boat and never come back though. Even Catherine Tate was decent in the last couple of episodes.
I have to agree with the strength of the series. I really enjoyed the capella group episode, particularly this exchange 
Andy: You didn't come here to sit in a room, right? You came here for some intergenerational bro time. Well, now's your chance! I'm here. You got Qs; I got As.
HCT Member #1: Did you say you've got AIDS?
Andy: No, I don't have AIDS. That's not what I said. Next question.
[awkward silence]
Andy: You don't have any-- Any questions about the old days? [clears throat] You at least want to know why they call me Boner Champ?
HCT Member #2: I thought Broccoli Rob was the Boner Champ.
Andy: I'm sorry, what?
HCT Member #2: I just thought Broccoli Rob was the Boner Champ.
Andy: Broccoli Rob was Broccoli Rob. Andy Bernard is the Boner Champ.