British Comedy Guide

Stewart Lee Page 28

And tickets for....2014....are here.

"This half of the audience get it.....and this half bought their tickets a year in advance like they do for Peter Kay and John Bishop...."(repeat several times)

Jinky all those tickets are for 2013 as far as I can see.

Quote: swerytd @ January 22 2013, 2:38 PM GMT

Next tour WIP tickets on sale:

I'm going to see this

Quote: Pingl @ December 28 2012, 10:26 AM GMT

He has said he wants to do more observational stuff about fatherhood etc.

I'm going to leave if it's this

Quote: Raymond Terrific @ January 22 2013, 9:48 PM GMT

Jinky all those tickets are for 2013 as far as I can see.

Yeah, the confusion here is, the shows listed on the website are in 2013, but they are work in progress shows for his Comedy Vehicle show (which will next air in 2014).

Quote: AJGO @ January 22 2013, 11:05 PM GMT

I'm going to leave if it's this

Laughing out loud

Quote: Raymond Terrific @ January 22 2013, 9:48 PM GMT

Jinky all those tickets are for 2013 as far as I can see.

The shows end in mid-January, 2014.

So it does, didn't manage to find the last page.

Yeah, right, I'm gonna say it: I'm starting to find Lee's shows a bit repetitive. Do we really need to see the "this half of the audience..." thing again and again? I still find the shows funny, but they just feel a bit predictable now.

That's the one thing I'd definitely like to see less of.

Maybe the big, overall gag is repetition, but we won't get it until the very end of his career.


Somewhat irritatingly, Carpet Remnant World is on Comedy Central Extra tonight at 10pm.

Irritating, cos I haven't watched the DVD yet. But I would probably have bought it regardless.


Stew goes on about The Alternative Comedy Experience:
The article is very funny. If you like that sort of thing.


I watched Carpet Remnant World finally. It's good. Not as good as the other shows of his(*), I don't think, but was still laughing an awful lot and much funnier than many other shows.

I approve of his no-patience stand with the 'plastic' fans, turning up cos they've seen him on telly.

[(*) Eight-month-old baby struggling to sleep hinders watching a two-hour show (it takes three and a half hours) so whilst it felt long (probably not his fault) all the 'I've no time for anything else' bits really are extremely relevant]


Oh dear, Chortle. Stewart's not very impressed with you.

It's a nice dig at Chortle by Stewart Lee. You'd be pretty pissed off to be taken out of context like that.

Looking forward to season 3 of SLCV. I like the 30 minute bite sized editions of his work.

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